
Try this self-test when you've looked at all the other pages. Use the drop-down menus to select the correct answer for each question and then click on the submit button. You'll be told how many questions you got right, which ones you got wrong, and given the chance to try again.

  1. Qualitative analysis is useful in recognising ambiguities in data.
  2. Stratificational sampling refers to sampling by taking: .
  3. Corpus A has 20,000 words in it and 35 examples of "give". Corpus B has 350,000 words in it and 615 examples of "give". Which corpus has the greatest proportion of the word "give"?
  4. When carrying out a chi-square test from the table below how many degrees of freedom are there?
    Number of occurences of word:
    Corpus A4574 5356
    Corpus B4362 3084
  1. The chi-squared value for the above table is 6.1084. We can conclude from this that the result is
  2. Which multivariate approach uses rank order values in replace of correlation coefficients?
  3. Factor analysis takes a large number of variables and reduces them to a much smaller number of reference factors.
  4. In a loglinear analysis, the best model would be one with how many variables?
  5. Which types of test assume a normal distribution?
  6. A word frequency lexeme analysis is carried out on the data below. Which lexeme has the highest frequency?
    bat 16
    bats 2
    batting 1
    batty 4
    can 22
    clock 16
    clocked 4
    dark 7
    darkening 11
    gave 11
    give 6
    given 3
    gives 1

After completing the self-test you might also like to consider the Study Question in Chapter 3, page 84 in Corpus Linguistics.