1.Opening Remarks
2.Lecture(1) Rev. Taio Kaneta (Soto-shu, Tsudaiji Temple) “Activities of Café de Monk”
Lecture(2) Yozo Taniyama (Tohoku Univ.) “Significance of Interfaith Chaplains(Rinsho Shukyo-shi)”
3.Panel Discussion: On the Role of Religious Practitioners in Public Sphere
(1)Tomoko Hosoya(Sisters of Charity of Ottawa)
“Disaster Relief Activities of Caritas Ishinomaki Base”
(2)Genshu Toyama(Nichiren-shu) “On the Activities of Team Vihara”
(3)Shido Tanaka(Jodo Shin-shu Honganjiha) “Working as an Interfaith Chaplain in Numaguchi Clinic”
Discussant: Eiichi Shinohara(Soto-shu, Chojuin Temple)
Chair: Hara Takahashi (Tohoku Univ.)
*Simultaneous Interpretation: NOT available
*Handout in English: Available
*Questions in English are welcome; an interpreter is available on the floor.
After the Great East Japan Earthquake, the Endowed Department of Practical ReligiousStudies at Tohoku University was founded in April 2012. It has offered training course for interfaith chaplains(Rinsho Shukyoshi), to provide spiritual care in the public sphere. Since the establishment of the program three years ago, 95 trainees from various religious background have finished the course.
In this symposium, we try reconsidering the role of religious practitioners in the disaster areas of the Great East Japan Earthquake. We also explore the current activities of interfaith chaplains who have completed our course. The questions to be asked are; What role can religious practitioners in Japan play on the basis of their experience of the great disaster? What are their future possibilities? What are the issues that they face?
Contact: Department of Practical ReligiousStudies at Tohoku University
TEL・Fax :+81-22-795-3831 Email: j-shukyo● (Please replace ● with @)