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Urban Sociology, Sociology of Art. The relationship between urban space and arts / Gentrification / Artist communities in New York

Research objects

1. Fluxus and alternative space movements in SoHo around the 1960s (to study the birth of loft)
2. Arts in Bushwick, Chez Bushwick or Norte Marr or some venues in Bushwick around the 2000


  • Research Fellow of Excellent Young Researchers Overseas Visit Program (JSPS). January 2009 to March 2010. (Institution: City University of New York Graduate Center, Adviser: Professor Sharon Zukin)
  • Research Fellow at Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. April 2007 to March 2010.
  • Teaching Assistant at the Tohoku University, Japan. April 2006 to March 2007.

Recent Research Publications

  • Sasajima, Hideaki, 2009, “Rethinking about Urban Meaning in the Theories of Manuel Castells: Space and Culture in Urban Theories”, TOHOKU ASSOCIATION ON URBANOLOGY ANNUAL REPORT, vol.9, 37-49. (JAPANESE)

Recent Presentation

  • Sasajima, Hideaki, 2009, “The Nonprofit Art Organization Roles in Urban Cultural Policies: the Case Study of the Creative City Yokohama”, the 104th Annual Meeting of American Sociological Association (Round Table Session), Hilton San Francisco.
  • Sasajima, Hideaki, 2010, "Changing Relationship between the Local Authority and Nonprofit Art Organizations in Creative City Yokohama after the Crisis", XVII ISA World Congress of Sociology ( RC21.02 “Creative Cities” after the Fall of Finance"), Gothenburg, Sweden.

Other Publications

  • Sasajima, Hideaki, 2010 (April), “Informatization and Polarization of the World”, Naoki Yoshihara et al. eds., The Open Urban Space, Tokyo: Hosei University Press. (JAPANESE)
  • Sasajima, Hideaki, 2010 (March), “Review: David Harvey, The Condition of Postmodernity”, Taro Igarashi ed., Book guide for Architecture and City, Syokoku-sya (JAPANESE)


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