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Make a Choice!

About this courseware

How to practice with this courseware

Practise Now! (Menu)

More about Japan

System requirements


Authors and cooperators



About this courseware

“どうしますか。Make a Choice!”は,コミュニケーションの力をつけるための会話練習パッケージです。ビジネスでの交渉場面や会社あるいは大学での日常的な依頼場面などのビデオクリップがありますので,ビデオのモデル会話をよく見てから,ロールプレイ練習を行ってください。 

“どうしますか。Make a Choice!”(What would you do? Make a Choice!) is a web-based role-play practice package for developing your communication skills in Japanese. It includes video clips of business negotiations and brief requests at the office or on campus. Study the video clip carefully, and proceed to the role-play practice.


The course of natural conversation varies by what you say and how the other person reacts to it. In order to bring this interactivity into language practice, we have prepared two different patterns of conversation for each situation in this courseware. When it comes the time for you to make a choice, the system asks your decision, saying, “What would you do?” Then you will make your choice and continue the conversation accordingly.



“どうしますか。Make a Choice!”の使い方
How to practice with this courseware

1)メニュー選択 Select from the Menu


First, go the Menu page and select the video clip you would like to study. The Menu will provide you with a description of each situation and its level of difficulty using star marks. Three stars indicates the most difficult situation.

2)ビデオを見る  Watch the video


For each situation, there are two video clips: Pattern 1 and Pattern 2. By clicking on the play button on the left side screen, you can play the video clip for Pattern 1. When you want to move to Pattern 2, click on the Pattern2 button on the bottom.


The transcription of the conversation, English translation, and glossary for each video clip can be obtained by clicking the buttons on the bottom.

3)ロールプレイ練習 Role-playing practice


Proceed to the role-play practice, when you have become familiar with both the conversation courses of Pattern 1 and 2. In the role-play practice, you will take the role of the one who makes the choices in the conversation. Your conversation partner appears on the video screen. Practice so you are able to finish your lines before he or she starts to talk.


When the system asks you, “What would you do?”, choose the preferred option. Recite the lines that match your decision, and press the play button on the video screen. Your conversation partner appears and reacts to what you have said.


In natural conversation, there is no pause button nor rewind function. Thus the role-play practice of this courseware does not allow you to use those functions. If the conversation does not go smoothly or you would like to try again, use the Retry button to restart the practice.

ロールプレイが終わったら,Model Checkのボタンを押して,もう一度モデル会話のビデオクリップを見てみましょう。残念ながら,このシステムには,あなたのロールプレイを録音・録画する機能は付いていません。上手に出来たかどうかを確かめたい方は,自分でテープレコーダーを用意して録音してみてください。

After finishing the role-play, watch the Model conversation by clicking the Model Check button and compare it with your conversation. Unfortunately, the system has no capacity for recording your performance, but recording and studying your role-playing with your own tape recorder is greatly recommended.

4)応用練習 Additional practice


For those who want to practice the counterpart’s role, additional practice has been prepared. In this version of the practice, you are not to able to make any choices. So, listen carefully to what your counterpart says, and react appropriately.

5)発展学習 More about Japan


In this part of the courseware, you will find further information on Japan, Japanese language, and communication in Japanese.

Practise Now!



必要なシステム System requirements

・Internet ExplorerなどHTMLによるウェブ画面の視聴を可能にするソフトウエア

・ビデオカードとFlash Player, Microsoft社のWindows Media Playerなどのmpeg 1をサポートする映像視聴用ソフトウエア



付記 Acknowledgement


This work is funded by the Scientific Research (C), Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, (Title: Distance Learning System for Japanese Language with Diverse Media Application, Leader: Izumi Saita, research # 16520310).



研究組織および制作協力者  Authors and cooperators



著作権 Credits

Copyright (c) 2005-2006 SAITA Izumi. All rights reserved.
