Tohoku Psychologica FoliaDepartment of Psychology,Graduate School of Arts and Letters, Tohoku University Tohoku Psychologica Folia Home
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Contents (All Volumes)

 Contents of Volume 11, 1944/1949

 Yosikazu OHWAKI
 Hobungakubu, Tohoku Imperialis Universitas/ Tohoku University

● Mutuo Aizawa(相澤陸奥男)
On the Tonal Unity in the Melodies of Japanese Folk-music in Modern Times
● Yosikazu Ohwaki(大脇義一) und Iwataro Isihara(石原岩太郎)
Über individuellen Unterschied in der Reaktionsweise gegen ganz selten auftretenden Reiz
● Sakae Òmura(大村 榮)
Some Observations on Children of the First Period of the National School
● Yoshikazu Ohwaki(大脇義一), M. Kuroda(K田正典), K. Katò(加藤 謙), and J. Abe(安倍淳吉)
Experimental Investigation on the Local Character of People in North-Eastern Japan
● Iwataro Isihara(石原岩太郎)
On the Direction of the Changes of Memory Traces

 ⇒ Contents (All Volumes)


Department of Psychology,Graduate School of Arts and Letters, Tohoku University


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