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Contents (All Volumes)

 Contents of Volume 24, 1965-66

 (Department of Psychology, Tohoku University)

● Yukio Ohkubo(大久保幸郎) and Seiro Kitamura(北村晴朗)
Studies on Sensory Deprivation IV.
Part 1. Introductory Remarks and General Methods
● Masahiro Ohyama(大山正博) , Osamu Kokubun(国分 振), and Hisashi Kobayashi(小林 久)
Studies on Sensory Deprivation IV.
Part 2. Electroencephalographic Changes Before, Durind and After 18 Hours' Sensory Deprivation
● Isao Sato(佐藤 功) and Masahiro Ohyama(大山正博)
Studies on Sensory Deprivation IV.
Part 3. Results on Introspective Reports, Time estimation and Unusual Experiences
● Osamu Kokubun(国分 振)
Studies on Sensory Deprivation IV.
Part 4. Effect of Sensory Deprivation on Retention of Verbal Material
● Isao Sato(佐藤 功)
Studies on Sensory Deprivation IV.
Part 5. Changes of “Self-concept” under Sensory Deprivation
● Yukio Suzuki(鈴木由紀生), Keiko Fujii(藤井啓子), and Tadashi Onizawa(鬼沢 貞)
Studies on Sensory Deprivation IV.
Part 6. Effect of Sensory Deprivation upon Perceptual Function
● Hitoshi Ueno(上野 矗) and Hideoki Tada(田多英興)
Studies on Sensory Deprivation IV.
Part 7. The Effects of Sensory Deprivation upon Genetic Process of Perception
● Seiro Kitamura(北村晴朗)
Studies on Sensory Deprivation IV.
Part 8. General Discussions and Concluding Remarks
● Norio Murai(村井憲男) and Toshiaki Sato(佐藤俊昭)
The Experimental Study of the Hunger Therapy
1. Effect of Starvation upon Extinction and Acquisition of Avoidance Response
● Kinya Maruyama(丸山欣哉) and Seiro Kitamura(北村晴朗)
Speed Anticipation Reaction Test as Applied to Bus Drivers
● Saburo Iwawaki(岩脇三良), Shigeo Okuno(奥野茂雄), and Emory L. Cowen
The Social Desirability of Trait-Descriptive Terms: Sex and Cultural Differences Based on a Japanese Arts College Sample
● Masahiro Ohyama(大山正博)
Preliminary Study on the Effect of Sernyl
● Junkichi Abe(安倍淳吉), Yasuhisa Tanaka(田中康久), Yasushi Ishigooka(石郷岡 泰), and Hideshi Óhashi(大橋英寿)
Social Psychological Studies of the Early Youth in the Shimokita Peninsula of the Northeast Japan: (II)
● Takaaki Oyamada(小山田隆明)
The Effects of Sensory Deprivation on the Performance of the Projective Test (II)
● Toshiaki Sato(佐藤俊昭) and Norio Murai(村井憲男)
The Experimental Study of the Hunger Therapy
2. Effect of Starvation upon Retention of Conditioned Emotional Response
● Tohru Hariu(針生 亨) and Katsuko Ohtsuki(大槻克子)
Application of Hypnosis to E.E.G. Examination of a Child
● Yasuhisa Tanaka(田中康久)
Counseling and Social Psychology (I)

 ⇒ Contents (All Volumes)


Department of Psychology,Graduate School of Arts and Letters, Tohoku University


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