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Contents (All Volumes)

 Contents of Volume 30, 1971

 (Department of Psychology, Tohoku University)

● Seiro Kitamura(北村晴朗), Kinya Maruyama(丸山欣哉), and Hideoki Tada(田多英興)
Studies on Sensory Overloard: III
Part 1. Introductory Remarks and General Methods
● Toshiteru Hatayama(畑山俊輝) and Hiroshi Komatsu(小松 紘)
Studies on Sensory Overloard: III
Part 2. Results of Polygraphic Records
● Hiroshi Komatsu(小松 紘), Hiroo Ota(太田博雄), and Takayoshi Kato(加藤孝義)
Studies on Sensory Overloard: III
Part 3. Tests of Hearing Losses and Estimations of Stimulus Affective Values
● Shun-ichi Saito(斎藤俊一)
Studies on Sensory Overloard: III
Part 4. Results of Psychological Tests
● Mutsuo Shimada(島田睦雄), Nobuyuki Kawata(河田信之), and Sachiko Okabe(岡部佐知子)
Studies on Sensory Overloard: III
Part 5. Results of the Interview
● Tadashi Onizawa(鬼沢 貞) and Takayoshi Kato(加藤孝義)
Mental Imagery Produced from After-Image
● Yasushi Ishigooka(石郷岡 泰) and Shizuko Sugita(杉田靜子)
The Clinical and Social Psychological Approach to School Refusal (II)
-With Special reference to Adolescence-
● Akio Ono(小野章夫) and Kinya Maruyama(丸山欣哉)
Interdependence in Judgements of the Duration, Distance, and Speed of Moving Targets
-And Its Applied Implication-
● Yoriko Seki(関 順子)
Perceptual Closure in Schizophrenia
● Takaaki Oyamada(小山田隆明)
The Effects of the Visual Attention on the Acquisition of the Conditioned Eyelid Response
● Yasuhiro Nagatsuka(長塚康弘)
Fluctuations of Reaction Time During Continuous Trials for 40 Minutes Session
● Kinya Maruyama(丸山欣哉)
Temporal Course of Stereoscopic Acuity whithin One Second of Pattern Exposure
● Junkichi Abe(安倍淳吉)
On the Structure and Situation of Crime and Delinquency

 ⇒ Contents (All Volumes)


Department of Psychology,Graduate School of Arts and Letters, Tohoku University


Tohoku Psychologica Folia
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