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Contents (All Volumes)

 Contents of Volume 45, 1986

 (Department of Psychology, Tohoku University)

● Jacques Douchamps and Toshiteru Hatayama(畑山俊輝)
Stress in Technocratic Societies: A Reappraisal
● Yoshiaki Yamada(山田嘉明), Toshiteru Hatayama(畑山俊輝), Tadashi Hirata(平田 忠), Kinya Maruyama(丸山欣哉), Tsuneyuki Abe(阿部恒之), and Yukari Suzuki(鈴木ゆかり)
A Psychological Effect of Facial Estherapy
● Ken Masame(真覚 健)
Rating of Symmetry as Continuum
● Hitoshi Okada(岡田 斉)
Pitch Shifts for Pure Tones Caused by the Contralateral Presented Tones
● Shusei Minakawa(皆川州正), Tadashi Hirata(平田 忠), and Yoshiaki Nihei(仁平義明)
An Experimental Study of “Feint”:
Relative Effectiveness of Distance and Duration of Feint
● Takahiro Kirita(桐田隆博)
On the Nature of Spatial Frequency Contingent Motion Aftereffects
● Eiichi Jodo(浄土英一)
The Effect of Spatial S-R Compatibility on P300 Latency
● Emiko Honma(本間恵美子)
A Clinical Psychological Study of School Refusal in Adolescence (I)
-An Approach to Adolescent School Refusal through a New Classification of the Cases-
● Kazuo Matsuoka(松岡和生)
Individual Differences in Imagery Ability and Verbal-Visual Immediate Memory Spans
● Keizo Mizuta(水田恵三)
Studies on Achievement Motivation (2): The Effect of Self-Consciousness on Achivement Motivation
● Hideoki Tada(田多英興)
Eyeblink Rates as a Function of the Interest Value of Video Stimuli
● Norio Murai(村井憲男), Yoshiaki Nihei(仁平義明), Tomoaki Adachi(足立智明), Masa Wagatsuma(我妻まさ), Kiyoko Takahashi(高橋清子), Shoko Hayasaka(早坂祥子), Noriko Murai(村井則子), Tadao Fukuda(福田忠夫), and Mineko Hashimoto(橋本峰子)
A Questionnaire for Early Detection of Developmental Disorders Utilizing Maternal Impressions: A Retrospective Study
● Kazuo Hongo(本郷一夫), Osamu Kokubun(国分 振), Tohihiko Shindo(進藤聡彦), and Yoshiaki Yamada(山田嘉明)
The Effects of Causal Coherence on Comprehension
● Akio Ono(小野章夫) and Tsuneo Sakayanagi(坂柳恒夫)
Influence of Sex Role
Self-Concept and Life Fulfillment Sensiment on Vocational Maturity

 ⇒ Contents (All Volumes)


Department of Psychology,Graduate School of Arts and Letters, Tohoku University


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