- ¼Ò²ñ³Ø¸¦µæ - Ãæ¹ñ¼Ò²ñ²Ê³Ø±¡¼Ò²ñ³Ø¸¦µæ½ê]
- African American Male Research - Research & Advocacy in the Interest of the African American National Community
- AiD - Ausländer in Deutschland Informationsdienst zu aktuellen Fragen der Ausländerarbeit, 16. Jahrgang. Jahrgang
- Alaska Justice Forum
- Aurora Online
- bilig - Journal of Social Sciences of the Turkish World
- Black and Blue
- CD-Rama - le magazine des applications professionnelles du multimedia on-line et off-line
- Columbia Journalism Review
- Corner
- Cornerhouse
- Crime Times
- Criminologie
- Cuadernos de Documentacion Multimedia
- Cultural Logic
- Current Issues in Tourism
- Cybermetrics: International Journal of Scientometrics, Informetrics and Bibliometrics
- Cybersociology Magazine
- Duke Journal of Gender Law and Policy
- Education Statistics Quarterly
- Electronic Journal of Communication, The. = Revue Electronique de Communication, La.
- Electronic journal of contemporary japanese studies (ejcjs)
- Electronic Journal of Human Sexuality
- Electronic Journal of Radical Organisation Theory
- Electronic Journal of Sociology (EJS)
- Euskonews and Media
- Feminist Studies</a> Via FindArticles
- Feminista! The Online Journal of Feminist Construction, Art, Literature, Social Commentary, Philosophy, Wit,.....
- First Things: A Journal of Religion and Public Life
- Flipside
- Genders OnLine Journal Presenting innovative theories in art, literature, history, music, TV and film
- Globalism and its Challengers
- IAIR - International Journal of Futures Studies
- IDEA - a journal of social issues
- International Helsinki Federation for Human Rights - Publications
- International Journal of Futures Studies
- International Labour Review
- JMM: The International Journal on Media Management
- Journal of Applied Recreation Research
- Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation
- Journal of Criminal Justice and Popular Culture
- Journal of Cultural Studies (Nigeria) -African Journal On-Line
- Journal of Hospitality and Leisure Marketing
- Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Education
- Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research
- Journal of Leisurability
- Journal of Leisure Research
- Journal of Mundane Behavior
- Journal of Park and Recreation Administration
- Journal of Prisoners on Prisons
- Journal of Social Structure
- Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology
- Journal of Transhumanism
- Journal of World Systems Research
- j-spot
- Loisir et Societe-Society and Leisure
- Managing Leisure
- Mitteilungen des Soziologischen Forschungsinstituts Goettingen
- MOST Journal on Cultural Pluralism (UNESCO)
- Multitudes
- Other Voices: The (e)Journal of Cultural Criticism</a> Published at the University of Pennsylvania
- Paideusis - Journal for Interdisciplinary and Cross-Cultural Studies
- Radical Pedagogy
- Relations Industrielles - Industrial Relations
- Resources for Methods in Evaluation and Social Research
- Revue des revues demographiques
- Rural society : a quarterly journal of rural sociology issues
- Sante et Services Sociaux, Quebec
- Social change
- Social Research Update
- Social Science Paper Publisher
- Sociological Research Online
- Sociologie et sociétés
- SocioSite: Electronic Journals and Magazines
- Soziale Systeme
- Theory & Science
- TRANS Internet-Zeitschrift fuer Kulturwissenschaften (Internet Journal of Cultural Studies)
- UnderCurrent: An online journal for the Analysis of the Present
- Visions in Leisure and Business
- Voice of the Turtle
- Western Criminology Review
- Workers Online
- World Leisure and Recreation Association Journal
- World of Work - The Magazine of the ILO
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