!!!GAMBE Nayuta {{img ,"alt='' border='1px'"}}Born in 1999, specializing in community sociology and disaster sociology. Local community societies have intricate structures woven throughout the long history leading to the present day, marked by mechanisms for the reproduction and maintenance of these structures. However, the increasing complexity of modern societies and individual lifestyles has brought about transformations in the structures of these community societies. To unveil the ongoing changes in local community societies, particularly focusing on the analysis of the structures of residents' activities related to disasters, recovery, and reconstruction processes, and disaster prevention, from the perspective of local community sociology. Furthermore, adopting the viewpoint of disaster sociology, I explore narratives of disaster experiences from the perspective of disaster-affected individuals. Positioning narratives as a form of social function for the transmission of lessons, I aim to describe the "rationality of continuous storytelling/ending storytelling" for the narrators themselves. !!Publications ・Gambe Nayuta, Tsuda Honoka, Aizawa Akene (2016), "16-Year-Old Narrators, from the disaster of Great East Japan Earthquake " Supervised by Toshiro Sato, Poplar Company (Published in February 2016). ・Gambe Nayuta (2020), "Whereabouts of Memories and Emotions in the Aftermath of the Earthquake: Lost Memories and Family Relationships," Edited by Kanebishi Kiyoshi, Seminar Publishing (Published on March 11, 2020). ・Gambe Nayuta (2020), "Wandering Memories and Emotions of the Earthquake: Children's Determination Regarding Mental Recovery," Edited by the Children's Body and Mind White Paper 2020 Editorial Committee, Children's Body and Mind Contact Conference (Published on December 25, 2020). ・Gambe Nayuta (2021), "To the Wandering You of Ten Years Ago," Edited by Kanebishi Kiyoshi, Shinyo Company (Published on January 30, 2021). ・Gambe Nayuta (2022), "Day of the Earthquake," Edited by Momose Shinobu, "Does the World Suddenly Change?" KADOKAWA (Published on February 9, 2022). !!Conference reports and oral presentations ・Gambe Nayuta, "Changes in the Significance of Local Livelihoods and Common Lands: A Case Study of the Shinjo District in Tanabe City, Wakayama Prefecture," 69th Tohoku Sociological Association Conference, Tohoku University, July 16, 2023. Gambe Nayuta, "Historical Changes in the Significance of Common Lands and Their Connection to Local Livelihoods: A Case Study of the Shinjo District in Tanabe City, Wakayama Prefecture," 96th Japan Sociological Society Conference, Rissho University, October 8, 2023. !!Academic Affiliations: ・The Japan Sociological Society ・The Tohoku Sociological Association ・The Tohoku Sociological Research Association ・The Japan Society of Disaster Recovery !!Lectures, social activities, etc. (from FY2023 onward) ・「災間を生きるー被災地から未災地へ」,桐朋小学校ー「特別授業3.11」,2023年6月24日,於:学校法人桐朋学園桐朋小学校 ・「被災地を生き抜いた子供たちー東日本大震災が残したもの」,田辺市教育委員会ー「ぼうさい未来学校」,2023年8月21日,於:和歌山県田辺市役所 ・「被災地から未災地へー学校防災への示唆」,田辺市校長会,2023年8月21日,於:田辺市立大塔公民館 ・「災間を生きるー子供たちの目に映った東日本大震災」,田辺市教育委員会ー「初任者研修」,2023年8月22日,於:田辺市役所 ・「東日本大震災から未来を語ろう」,高知県教育委員会ー「高知県高校生津波サミット」,2023年11月11日,於:高知県立ふくし交流プラザ !!研究カテゴリ {{category 地域社会学,災害社会学}} !!連絡先 gambe.nayuta.r1(◎)dc.tohoku.ac.jp ・Please change the"(◎)" to "@". !!Research Category {{category 地域社会学,災害社会学}}