!!!HISHIYAMA Kosuke {{img no_photo.gif,"align='right' border='1px' width='103px' height='130px'"}} [Here is the updated|http://ecowww.leh.kagoshima-u.ac.jp/staff/hishiyama/%5BEnglish%5D.html] !!Till 2010 HISHIYAMA Kosuke is Associate Professor in the Department of Law, Economics and the Humanities, Kagoshima University. He received his B.A. from Chuo University, his M.A. and Ph.D. from Tohoku University. He has conducted research at the Institute for International Advanced Interdisciplinary Research in Tohoku University. His research focuses on urban community from the sociological view, where he has examined various themes relating to his main topics of interest: Area Studies, Japan and Southeast Asia, Theory of Local Security System, Theory of Risk and Surveillance Society. He interested in the mechanism of activated local security, like gated community, vigilante group, community policing, and town development with safety. !!Publications (English) *2010, "Uneasy society in Indonesia: with special attention to the gated community and CCTV in Bali," ''Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences'', 2(1): 14-23.(ref. [PDF|http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=MImg&_imagekey=B9853-4YHC596-5-1&_cdi=59087&_user=127492&_pii=S1877042810000078&_orig=browse&_coverDate=12%2F31%2F2010&_sk=999979998&view=c&wchp=dGLbVzW-zSkWA&md5=ddc6034808e9fd3f91c806d2fd4f3d45&ie=/sdarticle.pdf]) *2008, "Local Security in Post-Suharto Bali: From Inequality to Equality of Participation," Mutsuhiko Shima ed., ''Stratification and Inequality Series Voume 7, Status and Stratification: Cultural Forms in East and Southeast Asia'', The Center for the Study of Social Stratification and Inequality, Tohoku University, Japan, Trans Pacific Press, pp..163-79. !Bulletin Report *2007, “Constructing a Local Security System in Bali: Challenges of Dealing with the Global Risk Society and the Effect on the Tourist Labor Market in the Decentralization Era,” on Conference Papers: Panel Session organized by Kosuke HISHIYAMA, the 8th Conference of the Asia Pacific Sociological Association, “The Emerging Labor Market and Social Stratification in the Asia Pacific Developing Countries,” Center for the Study of Social Stratification and Inequality, Annual Report 2007, pp.113-119. *2006, "Tourism and New Cultural Inequality in Bali: Impact of Urbanization and Decentralization in Post-Suharto Indonesia" Center for the Study of Social Stratification and Inequality, Annual Report 2006, pp.132-40. *2005, "The Transformation of Tourist Site in Bali under Urbanization and Decentralization" Center for the Study of Social Stratification and Inequality, Annual Report 2005, pp.66-7. *2004, "Aspects of Modern Bali Communities with Special Reference to Urbanization and Tourism since 1990’s." Center for the Study of Social Stratification and Inequality, Annual Report 2004, pp.83-4. !International Conference *2010, "The Problems and the Anticrime Activities of Neighborhood Association : An analysis of the Community Policing in Japan and Indonesia, and the Chonaikai survey in Sendai" on International Symposium (Invited) "Enriching The Way To Crime-Free Society: The Creation of Safe and Secure Urban Living Environment" held by the Learning from Japan Symposia Committee sponsored by Japan Foundation. This symposium is also supported by Postgraduate Program Police Science Studies, Postgraduate Program Urban Development Studies, The Indonesian Association For Japanese Studies, Alumni Association of Japanese Area Studies Postgraduate Program. At the Center for Japanese Studies, University of Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia, September 30, 2010. *2009, "Keeping Local Security and Safety with Migrant in Indonesia: Case Study on the Multi Cultural Area in Bali" on International Symposium "Mobility in Asia 'Now' and Japanese Society 'In the Future'" held in cooperation by Tohoku University (Global COE Center of the Studies of Social Stratification and Inequality), The Japan Foundation, Universitas Indonesia, Japan-Indonesia Sociology Association. This event is also supported by Japanese Embassy in Indonesia and the Jakarta Shimbun Daily. At The Japan Foundation Jakarta, Hall Summitmas 1, Jakarta, Indonesia, October 28, 2009. *2009, "The Changing Social Status of Local Security Groups in Bali after the New Strategy of Community Policing" on Panel Session organized by Kosuke HISHIYAMA "New Social Stratification and Changing Social Status in Indonesia" International Convention of Asia Scholars 6, Daejeon Convention Center, Daejeon, Korea, August 8, 2009 (It is one of the "Institutional Panel Composed of Two Sessions Supported by Center for the Study of Social Stratification and Inequality (Global COE Program), Tohoku University, Japan." All planning and direction are supported by Kosuke HISHIYAMA). *2009, "Local Security and Social Stratification Community Policing Strategy in Bali" NUS &Tohoku University Joint Forum of Sociology & Social Stratification Study, National University of Singapore, February 19, 2009. *2007, "Constructing a Local Security System in Bali: Challenges of Dealing with the Global Risk Society and the Effect on the Tourist Labor Market in the Decentralization Era" on Panel Session organized by Kosuke HISHIYAMA“The Emerging Labor Market and Social Stratification in the Asia Pacific Developing Countries,” Asia Pacific Sociology Association, Malaysia, November 20, 2007. *2006, "Tourism and New Cultural Inequality in Bali: Impact of Urbanization and Decentralization in Post-Suharto Indonesia" Society for East Asian Anthropology Conference, Hong Kong, July 13, 2006. !!Publications (Japanese) !論文 *2009, 「【地域レポート】宮城県 仙台市の防災・防犯の現状」東北都市学会編『東北都市学会研究年報』9:74-9. *2008, 「地方分権化時代のインドネシアにおける地域セキュリティ組織の展開―バリ島サヌールのティムススを事例として」『アジア経済』49(8):2-27. *2005,「「同化」による自立と連帯―ロバート・E・パークのみた世紀転換期アメリカ黒人」『社会学史研究』27:103-118. *2004,「タスキーギのR・E・パーク―パーク都市社会論のリアリティの源泉」『社会学年報』33:93-116. *2004,「都市祭礼の存続と担い手の解釈世界―大崎八幡宮例大祭を事例として」『社会学研究』75:203-228.(高橋雅也との共著) !翻訳 *2006,ジョン・アーリ著(吉原直樹監訳)『社会を越える社会学―移動・環境・シチズンシップ』法政大学出版局.(=John Urry, 2000, Sociology beyond Societies, Routledge.)(第2章担当) !共著 *2009, 「ツーリズムと治安維持体制」倉沢愛子・吉原直樹編『変わるバリ、変わらないバリ』勉成出版. *2009, 「爆弾テロ」(コラム)倉沢愛子・吉原直樹編『変わるバリ、変わらないバリ』勉成出版. *2008,「防災と防犯の間」(第8章)吉原直樹編『防災の社会学―防災コミュニティの社会設計に向けて』東信堂, 193-215.(吉原直樹との共著) *2008,「ポスト・スハルト期地域治安維持組織の位相」(第六章)吉原直樹編著『グローバル・ツーリズムの進展と地域コミュニティの変容―バリ島のバンジャールを中心として』御茶の水書房, 249-88. *2003,「池袋の歴史社会学ノート―都市共生の作法」(第15章)渡戸一郎・広田康生・田嶋淳子編著『都市的世界/コミュニティ/エスニシティ―ポストメトロポリス期の都市エスノグラフィ集成』明石書店, 358−76. !報告書 *2010,「第4章 町内会・自治会における防犯と社会問題への取り組み」東北都市社会学研究会編『地方都市における町内会の変容とその諸相―2009年度福島市町内会・自治会調査結果報告書』, 61-86. *2008,「第3章 秋田市の町内会と防犯活動」東北都市社会学研究会編『地方都市における町内会の転態とその実相―2008年度秋田市町内会・自治会調査結果報告書』, 31-72. *2008,「第3章 防犯活動と町内会」東北都市社会学研究会編『地方都市におけるゆらぐ町内会とその動態―2008年度青森市町内会・自治会調査結果報告書』, 30-62. *2007,「防犯と地域社会―住民防犯活動へのまなざし」吉原直樹編『平成18年度社会調査実習報告書』東北大学文学部社会学研究室.(編者として) *2006,「ポスト・スハルト期地域治安維持組織の位相―デンパサール市S地区の事例分析」(第6章)吉原直樹編『グローバル・ツーリズムの進展と地域コミュニティの変容―バリ島のバンジャールを中心として』, 101-30.(平成15〜17年度日本学術振興会科学研究費補助金(基盤(B)(2)・海外学術研究)「インドネシア・バリ島における都市化の進展とコミュニティの動態に関する経験的研究」(代表・吉原直樹(東北大学文学部))調査報告書). !!リンク *[Kagoshima University|http://www.kagoshima-u.ac.jp/contents/english/index.html] *[IIAIR: Institute for International Advanced Interdisciplinary Research|http://www.iiare.tohoku.ac.jp/laboratory/index.html] *[Research Foundation for Safety Society|http://www.syaanken.or.jp/index2.html] !!研究カテゴリ {{category 都市社会学,シカゴ学派社会学,文化社会学,リスク論,地域セキュリティ論,地域社会学,観光社会学,インドネシア研究}} ----