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ADACHI Satoshi

Satoshi ADACHI

  • Specialty

Social Theory on Social Integration and Multiculturalism, Studies on Muslim Youth

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  • Present Post:

 ・PhD Fellow (Japan Society for Promotion of Science) (2010.4-)
 ・Associate Researcher (The Center for the Study of Social Stratification and Inequality, GCOE Program, Tohoku University) (2009.4-)
 ・Vice Chairman, Esperanza (NPO for helping minority children studying), (2011.5-)

  • Employment Histrory:

 ・Part-time Lecturer (introduction of international culture, communication theory, contemporary sociology I), Aichi University of Education (2012.4 - 9)
 ・Part-time Lecturer (qualitative research), Shokei Gakuin University (2010 - 2011.3)
 ・Part-time Lecturer (communication theory), Tohoku Bunka Gakuen University, April (2010 - 2011.3)
 ・Visiting Scholar, Institute of Community Cohesion, Coventry University, (2009.6 - 2009.12)
 ・Fellow (Doctoral Course student), Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, April (2008.4 - 2010.3), changing position from DC2 to PD in 2009.4
 ・Part-time Lecturer (sociology), National Hospital Organization Sendai Medical Center, , (2007.4 - 2009.3)
 ・Research Fellow, Center for the Study of Social Stratification and Inequality, Tohoku University,(2007.4 - 2009.3)
 ・Part Time Staff, Center for the Promotion of Civic Activities in Sendai, (2009.8 - 2005.11)

  • Education:

 ・Doctor of Arts and Letters, Tohoku University, March 2009.
 ・Master of Sociology, Ritsumeikan University, March 2004.
 ・Bachelor of Economics, Ritsumeikan University, March 2002.

Research Interest

Social integration has been an important political and social issue since last two decades of the 20th Century, especially since the 1990s. The collapse of Communist Regime and outbreak of international and regional conflicts have brought about the large number of international immigrants and refugees through the world market. Social mobility now has significant impact not only on national economy but also on national politics, culture and security. On such background, the grate debate on the form of good and possible social integration of minority groups into wider society has been done in the field of political science and philosophy. In the arguments, it was discussed how to achieve social unity and welfare equality in culturally diverse society. The discussion on cultural diversity started with multiculturalism in the 1990s. This position championed the “authenticity” of culture and supported the political movement to keep cultural identity (Taylor, 1994, “The Politics of Recognition”). However, multiculturalism is now criticized because it seems that the recognition of difference spoils social unity and cohesion and, as a result, equality based on welfare (Barry, 2001, Culture and Equality). Multiculturalism has lost social support and position in real politics and has been substituted for “politics of insecurity” which fan the insecurity towards difference; such as Islamophobia, anti-immigrant movement by far-right groups and “war against terrorism” (Huysmans, 2006, The Politics of Insecurity). My research question is whether or not it is possible to make cultural diversity into welfare solidarity?
To give an answer to this question theoretically and empirically, my research gives a spotlight on the concept of citizenship and the relationship between group culture and individual identity. The former defines the balances of three values of social integration, that is cultural diversity, social cohesion and welfare equality. The latter is related to the reason for justifying group culture in liberal society. Focusing on citizenship and relationship between culture and identity, I plan below the two research projects.
The first research is about citizenship education in the UK and other European countries. Citizenship used to be recognized as a membership, rights or duties given to people who share same nationality. However, under the globalization, citizenship has come to be recognized as a multi-layered concept to allow people with different backgrounds various forms of commitment to society where they live. I will analyze how national citizenship transforms the contents and how far it preserves the own characters under the pressure of globalization. Concretely, I will compare citizenship education policy in some European countries, including UK and France and also conduct researches on the contents of citizenship education in schools located in multi-ethnic area of England.
The second research is about identity management of young British Muslims. Identity or identification shows personal or group relationships with various social groups or social worlds. People intentionally or unintentionally choose and represent their attitudes and identities to others to adapt to each social situation. Therefore the analysis of the way of identity management which people use is useful to understand how diverse people participate in plural social spaces and achieve social order. The reason why I adopt the case of young British Muslims is that they, on the one hand, have unique values and beliefs distinguished from traditional Western society, and on the other hand, more or less well adapt to wider society. Therefore, the case of young British Muslims would indicate how and under what conditions cultural diversity could be compatible with social unity and solidarity. I plan interview researches on young British Muslims in London, Coventry and Sandwell and ask them about their relationship with Islam, ethnic community and British society.


  • "Culture and Identity in Liberal Multiculturalism: Reflexivity, Agency Model of Identity and Autonomy," Japanese Sociological Review, 250 (2012): .274-89. (in Japanese)
  • “Newcomer Children and Adaptation to School in Japan: From the Perspective of Family Resource,” The Annual Reports of the Tohoku Sociological Society, 41 (2012): 43-54. (in Japanese)
  • “A Critical Study on the ‘Terrorism Prevention Policy’ of the New Labour Government: Social Integration in Post-Terrorism World,” Kansai Sociological Review, 10 (2011): 135-47. (in Japanese)
  • “Social Integration in Post-Multiculturalism: An Analysis of Social Integration Policy in Post-war Britain,” International Journal of Japanese Sociology, 20(1) (2011): 107-20.
  • “Social Integration in the Era of Globalization: Comparative Analysis on Scarf Affaires between France and the UK,” Research of Sociology, 89 (2011): 85-109. (in Japanese)
  • “Comparative Studies on Social Integration between France and the UK: Tradition, Politics and Practice,” Colloquium: The New Horizon of Contemporary Sociological Theory, 6 (2011), 74-92. (in Japanese)
  • “Reflexive Modernity and Young Muslims: Identity Management in a Diverse Area in the UK,” in Kunihiro Kimura ed., Minorities and Diversity, Australia: Trans Pacific Press, 2011, 83-99.
  • “Breaking-up and Re-imagination of Britain: Britishness and Sub-national Identities after the Devolution,” The Annual Reports of the Tohoku Sociological Society, 39 (2010): 51-62. (in Japanese)
  • “Social Integration in Post-Multiculturalism: An Analysis of Social Integration Policy in Post-war Britain,”Japanese Sociological Review, 239 (2009): 433-48. (in Japanese)
  • “New Racism and ‘Community Cohesion’ in Britain,” in Koichi Hasegawa and Naoki Yoshihara eds., Globalization, Minority and Civil Society: Perspectives from Asia and Western Cities, Australia: Trans Pacific Press, (2008): 41-57.
  • “On the Function of Britishness on Social Cohesion and Cultural Diversity: A Perspective for the Appreciation of the Social Integration Policy in Britain,” Multicultural Relations, 5 (2008): 49-63. (in Japanese)
  • “Sociology of Trust and Toleration: The Limitation of Multiculturalism and Liberal Nationalism Theory,” Research of Sociology, 84 (2008): 15-44. (in Japanese)
  • “Controversy on Racial Relations Policy in the UK and the Blind Spot,” Kansai Sociological Review, 7 (2008): 87-99. (in Japanese)
  • “Rethinking of Division of Labour, From the Perspective of Nationalism Theory,” The Annual Reports of the Tohoku Sociological Society, 36 (2007): 105-25. (in Japanese)
  • "Nation and Civil Society: Towards Overcoming of Dilemma between Trust and Toleration,” Research of Sociology, 80 (2006): 169-92. (in Japanese)
  • “Reconstruction of Trust Theory: On the Basis of the Difference between the Definition and Resources,” Research of Sociology, 79 (2006): 195-218. (in Japanese)
  • “Four Approaches of Trust Theory: Focus on the Resources,” The Annual Reports of the Tohoku Sociological Society, 34 (2005): 247-66. (in Japanese)


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