For Admission
We offers Undergaraduate Program, Graduate Program, Research Student Program and other programs. Please refer the following sites provided by the Graduate School/Faculty of Arts and Letters and the University.
Doctoral students in Tohoku University enjoy some of the best experimental facilities in the world and study along side distinguished faculty and associates to develop creative and original research.
If you want to apply for the master or doctoral course, please find a (associate) professor with his/her respective field matches with your interest as your future academic advisor, and contact the professor of your choice. In the case the professor discloses a contact address, please notify our department office.
If the professor agrees to be your future academic advisor, you can start application procedures. Without having an academic advisor, no one can join the program.
Last Modified: 2021年07月29日 16時30分19秒
12481 counts since AUG 2007