ITO Hirotaka (Hirotaka Ito)
Senior Lecturer at Graduate School of Medicine, Yamagata University. Hirotaka Ito completed his PhD studies at Tohoku University in March 2007. His thesis was entitled “Emergence of Places in the Globalizing World: Global Space Formations and Pacific Rim Asian Local Communities”.
List of main publications
Papers in academic magazines and books
- 2015, 'Employment status among non-retired cancer survivors in Japan,' European Journal of Cancer Care, 24 (5): 718-23, doi: 10.1111/ecc.12304. (1st, co-authored with Hozawa A., Yamashita H., Kubota I., Nemoto K., Yoshioka T., Kayama T. & Murakami M.)
- 2015, 'Disaster assistance NPO and local community: disbordered disaster culture,' N. Yoshihara et al. eds. Records of the victims' refuge lives in the Great East Japan Earthquake, Rikka Shuppan. (In Japanese)
- 2015, 'Emerging Places,' N. Yoshihara and I. Hotta eds. Reverberation between Space and Place, Hosei University Press.
- 2014, 'Operational realities of hospitals' medical long-term care beds in Yamagata Prefecture,' The journal of Japan Society for Health Care Management, 15 (1): 19-24. (1st, co-authored with M. Murakami)
- 2010, 'Working condition of nurses in Japan: awareness of work-life balance among nursing personnel at a university hospital, Journal of Clinical Nursing,' 20: 12-20 (co-authored with S. Tanaka and Y. Maruyama et al.)
- 2008b, 'Organizational structure and function of Banjar: from the result of analysis of questionnaires,' N. Yoshihara ed., Advancing Global Tourism and The Changing of Local Communities, Ochanomizushobo, pp361-412. (coauthored with N. Yoshihara et al., In Japanese)
- 2008a, 'Socio-cultural potential of neighborhood association in the era of post-development regime: from the case of tourism developed area in the south of Bali,' N. Yoshihara ed., Advancing Global Tourism and The Changing of Local Communities, Ochanomizushobo, pp.167-248. (In Japanese)
- 2006g, 'The poverty or luxury of Urban Sociology,' The Study of Sociology, 80. (In Japanese)
- 2006f, 'Politics of the Culture and Development in Bali: Towards Neo-traditional Local Governance,' The Study of Sociology, 80. (Japanese)
- 2006e, 'Urban Involution,' Asia Yugaku, 90, Bensey Press. (Japanese)
- 2006d, 'The Post-colonialism of Placeness in Macau's communities, kaifong,' Hestia & Clio, 3: pp.76-97. (Japanese)
- 2006c, 'The Local in Global Complex Systems,' The Annal Reports of the Tohoku Sociological Society, 35: pp.141-162. (Japanese)
- 2006b, 'Transformation of "the local" under "over-urbanization",' Annual of Japan Society for Urbanology, 39: pp.91-102. (Japanese)
- 2006a, 'Contemporary phase of institutional representations of the "local": The case of the Yanagiu district in Sendai City,' Annual of Japan Association of Regional and Community Studies, 18: pp.121-142, Harvest Press. (Japanese)
- 2005b, 'Community based organizations in the contemporary phase of local communalities: Chonai-societies of the Sendai City region,' Hestia & Clio, 1: pp.58-83. (Japanese)
- 2005a, 'The organizational structure and function of Banjar: On reading results of a questionnaire,' The Annual Reports of Gradual School of Arts and Letters, Tohoku University, Vol.LIV: 146-184.(Japanese)
- 2004, 'The historical phase of local governance concerning Development: In the case of Nagamachi, a Secondary Centre of Snedai,' Sendai Urban Studies, vol.4: 41-57.(Japanese)
- 2007, 'Neighborhood Council,' in K. Hashimoto, H. Fujita and N. Yoshihara (eds.), The World's Urban Social Plannings 2, Toshindo. (in Japanese)
- 2004, 'Ganshu Culture,' in Tohoku Association on Urbanology (ed.), Dictionary of Tohoku Cities, pp.81-2, Sendai Kyodo Insatsu. (in Japanese)
- forthcoming, John Urry, Global Complexity (2003, Polity). (English to Japanese, co-translation, Hosei University Press)
- forthcoming, Carol Warren, Adat and Dinas: Balinese Communities in the Indonesian State (1993, Oxford University Press). (English to Japanese, co-translation, Hosei University Press)
- 2006b, Yayasan Pembangunan Sanur, Hasil Muker III Yayasan Pembangunan Sanur Tahun 2000 (2000). (Bahasa Indonesia to Japanese, N. Yoshihara ed., Progress of urbanization and community organization in Bali, Indonesia, MEXT Report on Results of Research Project, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, pp.106-119.
- 2006a, John Urry, Sociology beyond Societies (2000, Routledge). (English to Japanese, co-translation, Hosei University Press)
International Conference Presentation
- January 7, 2008, "Local Communities and Solidarities in Post-colonial City Macau," The Workshop On Social Inclusion, and Cultural Creativity (at Hong Kong Baptist University).
- August 22, 2007, "Chounaikai dan Banjar: Studi Komparatif Organisasi Masyarakat di Jepang dan di Bali," Konferensi Pertama Bagian Pendidikan Jepang (at Fakultas Bahasa dan Sastra, Ganesha Universitas Pendidikan, Bali, Indonesia)
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