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!!!吉原 直樹 (YOSHIHARA Naoki)
{{img yoshihara.jpg,"alt='吉原直樹' border='1px'"}}1948年生。専攻は、都市社会学、地域社会学、アジア社会論。大学院文学研究科教授。社会学博士。
{{img yoshihara.jpg,"alt='吉原直樹' border='1px'"}}Professor of Sociology,  Graduate School of Art and Letters, Tohoku University.

BA Economy; MA, PhD Sociology (Keio University)

TEL&FAX: +81-22-795-7690

!International comparative study of glass roots
Since 1975, I have examined the structural properties of grassroots of Japan mainly by the analysis of the configuration of ''Chonaikai'', ''Jichikai'', or neighborhood associations and the people grounded on them. Chiefly, Fukuyama City, Kobe City, Yokohama City, Sendai City and Morioka City have been made into the example of this analysis. The Miyazaki prize was awarded by Kobe City to a part of these results in 1991. At the same time, diachrony of the grassroots has been explored by tracing back to the term of the postwar reforms, and the comparative study especially with Kaifong of Hong Kong and RT/RW of Indonesia has been advanced. Especially the latter has been carried out as international joint research with the staff of Chinese University of Hong Kong and Universitas Indonesia etc., and the middle-result was already reported at the ISA-sponsored conference of the International Sociological Association in July 2002 and the Universitas Indonesia-sponsored international symposium in November 2002, and has obtained high evaluation. Incidentally, a part of the result was published as English book by Grasindo at the end of February 2003.

*2007, 「ゆらぐバンジャール―バリ社会とイスラム・コミュニティ」『東北大学文学研究科研究年報』56: 155-84.
*2006, 「ポストモダンとしての地域社会」 古城利明監修・新原道信ほか編 『グローバリゼーション/ポスト・モダンと地域社会』 (地域社会学講座2)東信堂.
*2006, 「都市の低・未利用地問題と国・自治体の対応」 『都市問題』 97 (5): pp.50-7.
*2005, 'Urban Control and Lightening the Environmental Load,' ''Working papaer series'', No.3, East Asia Study Group Research Institute of Atma jaya Catholic University.
*2005, 「都市の階層分化」 植田和弘・神野直彦ほか編 『都市の個性と市民生活』 (岩波講座 都市の再生を考える3)岩波書店.
*2007, 『開いて守る―安全・安心のコミュニティづくりのために』 岩波書店.
*2004, 『時間と空間で読む近代の物語―戦後社会の水脈をさぐる』有斐閣.
*2002, 『都市とモダニティの理論』東京大学出版会.
*2000, 『アジアの地域住民組織―町内会・街坊会・RT/RW』御茶の水書房.
*1994, 『都市空間の社会理論―ニュー・アーバン・ソシオロジーの射程』東京大学出版会.
*1989, 『戦後改革と地域住民組織―占領下の都市町内会』ミネルヴァ書房.
*1983, 『都市社会学の基本問題―アメリカ都市論の系譜と特質』青木書店.
*1980, 『地域社会と地域住民組織―戦後自治会への一視点』八千代出版.
*1990, 『東京―世界都市化の構図』(加藤哲郎ほかと)青木書店.
*1980, 『現代社会の社会学』(梶田孝道ほかと)川島書店.
*1978, 『都市化と地域社会』(藤田弘夫ほかと)時潮社.
*2005, 『アジア・メガシティと地域コミュニティの動態―ジャカルタのRT/RWを中心にして』御茶の水書房.
*2000, 『都市経営の思想―モダニティ・分権・自治』青木書店.
*1996, 『都市空間の構想力(21世紀の都市社会学シリーズ 第5巻)』勁草書房.
*1993, 『都市の思想―空間論の再構成にむけて』青木書店.
*2006, 『グローバル化とアジア社会―ポストコロニアルの地平』(新津晃一と)東信堂.
*2006, 『越境する都市とガバナンス』(似田貝香門・矢澤澄子と)法政大学出版局.
*2004, ''The Possibility of Sustainable Cities and the Problems of International and Intellectual Exchange'', co-edited with I Gede Putu Wirawan, Universitas Udayana.
*2004, 『初期シカゴ学派の世界―思想・モノグラフ・社会的背景』(宝月誠と)恒星社厚生閣.
*2003, ''Grassroots and the Neighborhood Associations'', co-edited with Raphaella D.Dwianto, Grasindo.
*2000, 『都市社会計画と都市空間―盛岡市のまちづくりを中心に』(橋本和孝と)御茶の水書房.
*1999, 『都市社会学』(藤田弘夫と)有斐閣.
*1995, 『都市とモダニティ―都市社会学コメンタール』(藤田弘夫と)ミネルヴァ書房.
*1989, 『町内会の研究』(岩崎信彦・上田惟一・広原盛明・鰺坂学・高木正朗と)御茶の水書房.
*1987, 『都市―社会学と人類学からの接近』(藤田弘夫と)ミネルヴァ書房.
*1986, 『都市論のフロンティア―[新都市社会学]の挑戦』(岩崎信彦と)有斐閣.
*1985, 『社会調査論―社会科学としての社会調査』(大橋隆憲・宝光井顕雅と)法律文化社.
*2006, ジョン・アーリ著 『社会を越える社会学―移動・環境・シチズンシップ』法政大学出版局.
*2003, ジョン・アーリ著 『場所を消費する』法政大学出版局.
*1999, デヴィッド・ハーヴェイ著 『ポストモダニティの条件』青木書店.
*1997, ハーベイ・W・ゾーボー著 『ゴールド・コーストとスラム』ハーベスト社.
*1997, マニュエル・カステル著 『都市とグラスルーツ―都市社会運動の比較文化理論』法政大学出版局.
*1991, W.ミルズほか著 『プエルトリカン・ジャーニー』恒星社厚生閣.
*1989, スチュアート・ロー著 『都市社会運動―カステル以後の都市』恒星社厚生閣.
*1989, マニュエル・カステル著 『都市・階級・権力』法政大学出版局.
*1982, C・G・ピックバンス編『都市社会学―新しい理論的展望』恒星社厚生閣.
*1980, A.H.ホーリー著 『都市社会の人間生態学』時潮社. 
!Studies toward reconstruction of the Urban Theory
In accordance with evolution of the New Urban Sociology on and after the second half of the 1970s, I have searched the prospect of reconstruction of Urban Theory in line with the space theory, the time theory, and the argument on modernity. And the middle-result of this research was published as'' Toshi Kukan no Shakai Riron'' (''The Social Theory of Urban Space'') which was awarded the Japan Urban Society Prize (Okui prize) in 1995. And ''Toshi to Modernity no Riron'' (''The City and Modernity'') published in September 2002 has already made the headlines of Nihon Keizai Shimbun etc. and the translation to several languages is progressing as the first text on the theory of urban space in Asia which puts modernity and space into the range.

**[新刊書|http://www.sal.tohoku.ac.jp/~n-yoshi/html/new.html] - 著訳書の詳細データ
*[『ヘスティアとクリオ』|http://www.sal.tohoku.ac.jp/~n-yoshi/hestia/index.html] - 第 I 期、主宰
*[東北都市社会学研究会|http://www.sal.tohoku.ac.jp/~ito/atus.html] - 代表
!Studies of Asian Megacities and new middle classes
I am now making headway in the research which treats the new middle class' rise (middle-classizing) in Megacities of Asia not only as a positive thing but as a cause of the danger inherent in Mega-urbanization. The middle-classization not only paralyzes the urban function by rapid motorization and housing land development and enormous quantities of garbage generating and abandonment, but is weakening the safety net function of traditional neighborhood associations. Therefore, middle-classization seems to be running its course toward disintegration, digging down the base of middle-classization itself. The disintegration of this middle-classizing continues as it is - or does a new change arise in the new middle class' lifestyle? In order to catch the new middle class' trend accurately, I’m doing research from the viewpoint of risk society and the post-colonial.

!!Book Published
*2008	''Global Tourism no Shinten to Chiiki Community no Henyou'' (''Advancing Global Tourism and The Changing of Local Communities''), Tokyo: Ochanomizushobo. (edited)
*2007	''Hiraite Mamoru'' (''Open Security''), Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten.
*2006	''Globalka to Asia Shakai'' (''Globalization and Asian Societies''), Tokyo: Toshindo.
*2006	''Ekkyosuru Toshi to Governance'' (''Cross-bordering of Cities and Governance''), Tokyo: Hosei University Press (co-edited with Kamon Nitagai and Sumiko Yazawa).
*2005	''Asia Mega-city no Dotai to Chiiki Community no Dotai'' (''An Asian Megacity and the Dynamics of Local Community''), Tokyo: Ochanomizu Shobo. (edited)
*2004	''The Possibility of Sustainable Cities and the Problems of International and Intellectual Exchange'', Denpasar: Universitas Udayana (co-edited with I Gede Putu Wirawan).
*2004	''Shoki Cicago-gakuha no Sekai'' (''The World of the early Chicago School''), Tokyo: Koseisha- Koseikaku (co-edited with Makoto Hogetsu).
*2004	''Jikan to Kuhkan de yomu Kindai no Monogatari'' (''The tale of modernity read in time and space''), Tokyo: Yuhikaku.
*2003	''Grass Roots and the Neighborhood Associations: on Japan’s Chonaikai and Indonesia’s RT/RW'', Jakarta: Grasindo (co-edited with Raphaella D. Dwianto).
*2002	''Toshi to Modernity no Riron'' (''The City and Modernity''), Tokyo: University of Tokyo Press.
*2000	''Asia no Chiiki Jyumin Soshiki: Chonaikai, Kaifong and RT/RW'' (''Neighborhood Associations in Asian Societies: On the Chonaikai, Kaifong and RT/RW''), Tokyo: Ochanomizu Shobo.
*2000	''Toshi Keiei no Siso'' (''Thoughts of Urban Management''), Tokyo: Aoki Shoten.
*2000	''Toshi Shakai Kukan to Toshi Shakai Keikaku'' (''Urban Social Spaces and Urnban Social Planning''), Tokyo: Ochanomizu Shobo. (co-edited with Kazutaka Hashimoto)
*1999	''Toshi Shakaigaku'' (''Urban Sociology''), Tokyo: Uhikaku (co-edited with Hiroo Fujita).
*1996	''Toshi Kukan no Kosoryoku'' (''Imagination of Urban Space''), Tokyo: Keiso Shobo (edited).
*1995	''Toshi to Modernity'' (''City and Modernity''), Kyoto: Minerva Shobo (co-edited with Nobuhiko Iwasaki).
*1994	''Toshi Kukan no Shakai Riron:New Urban Sociology no Shatei'' (''The Social Theory of Urban Space: The New Urban Sociology''), Tokyo: University of Tokyo Press.
*1993	''Toshi no Siso'' (''The History of Urban Thought''), Tokyo: Aoki Shoten (edited).
*1989	''Chonaikai no Kenkyu'' (''Studies of Chonaikai''), Tokyo: Ochanomizu Shobo.
*1989	''Sengo Kaikaku to Chiiki Jyumin Soshiki: Senryoka no Toshi Chonaikai'' (''The Postwar Reforms and the Chonaikai: Trends during the Occupation''), Kyoto: Minerva Shobo.
*1987	''Toshi: Shakaigaku to Jinruigaku karano Sekkin'' (''Cities: Approaches from Sociology and Anthropology''), Kyoto: Minerva Shobo.
*1986	''Toshiron no Frontier'' (''Current Questions of City''), Tokyo: Uhikaku (co-edited Nobuhiko Iwasaki).
*1983	''Toshi Shakaigaku no Kihon Mondai'' (''Basic Problems in Urban Sociology''), Tokyo: Aoki Shoten.
*1980	''Chiiki Shakai to Chiiki Jumin Sosiki'' (''Local Societies and Neighborhood Associations''), Tokyo: Yachiyo Shupan.

{{category 理論社会学,都市社会学,地域社会学,アジア社会論,インドネシア研究,ローカル・ガバナンス論,ポストコロニアリズム,シカゴ学派社会学}}
*[Personal Website|http://www.sal.tohoku.ac.jp/~n-yoshi/]

!!Research Category
{{category Urban Sociology,Sociology of Community,Asian Urban Studies}}