Professor of Sociology, Graduate School of Art and Letters, Tohoku University.
BA, MA, PhD Sociology (Tokyo University)
TEL: +81-22-795-6032
FAX: +81-22-795-6034
Research Interests
Environmental Sociology, Social Conflict and Social Movement, Social Change, Public Policy, Especially research on process of social change, focused on environmental problems, social movements and other citizen's activities from theoretical and empirical perspectives.
Recently my special concern is the sociological analysis of transitional process of energy and environmental policy with collaborative process among authority, citizen's groups and NGOs/NPOs, and private enterprise.
(recent, # in Japanese)
- HASEGAWA Koichi, 2004, Constructing Civil Society in Japan: Voices of Environmental Movements , Melbourne: Trans Pacific Press.
- #HASEGAWA Koichi, forthcoming, "The Development of the NGO Activities in Japan: A New Civic Culture and the Institutionalization of Civic Action", in Robert Weller ed. NGOs and the Nation in a Globalizing World , London: Routledge/Curzon.
- HASEGAWA Koichi, 2004, "Environmental Sociology in Japan: Problem, Topics and Major Characteristics", in Gyoergy Szell and Tominaga Ken'ichi eds. The environmental challenges for Japan and Germany: Intercultural and Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 77-91, Frankfurt a.M.: Peter Lang.
- #HASEGAWA Koichi, 2004, Sociology of Social Conflicts, Tokyo: The Society for the Promotion of the University of the Air.
- #HASEGAWA Koichi, 2003, Environmental Movements and the New Public Sphere: The Perspective of Environmental Sociology ( Kankyo Undo to Atarashii Kokyoken) Tokyo: Yuhikaku.
- #HASEGAWA Koichi ed.,2001, Dynamism of Environmental Movement and Policy , Environmental Sociology in Japan Vol. 4 , Tokyo: Yuhikaku.
- #IIJIMA Nobuko, TORIGOE Hiroyuki, HASEGAWA Koichi and FUNABASHI Harutoshi eds., 2001, Perspectives of Environmental Sociology , Environmental Sociology in Japan Vol. 1, Tokyo: Yuhikaku.
- HASEGAWA Koichi and TAKUBO Yuko, 2001, JCO Criticality Accident and Local Residents: Damages, Symptoms and Changing Attitudes, Data and Analysis of the Results of a Field Survey of Tokai-mura and Naka-machi Residents , Tokyo: Citizen's Nuclear Information Center.
- #HASEGAWA Koichi,1999, "Comparing the Rokkasho Village Case and the Maki Town Case: Social Movements against Nuclear Facilities and Local Community," Annual of Sociological Study 28: 53-76, Tohoku Sociological Society, Sendai, Japan.
- HASEGAWA Koichi, 1999, "Global Climate Change and Japanese Nuclear Policy," The International Journal of Japanese Sociology , No. 8: 183-197, Japan Sociological Society, Tokyo.
- #FUNABASHI Harutoshi, HASEGAWA Koichi and Iizima Nobuko eds., 1998, Vision versus Results in a Large-scale Industrial Development Project in the Mutsu-Ogawara District: A Sociological Study of Social Change and Conflict in Rokkasho Village , Tokyo, University of Tokyo Press.
- #HASEGAWA Koichi, 1996, A Choice for Post-Nuclear Society: The Age of New Energy Revolution , Tokyo, Shinyosya.
- HASEGAWA Koichi,1995, "A Comparative Study of Social Movements for the Post- Nuclear Energy Era in Japan and the United States", International Journal of Japanese Sociology 4: 21-36, Japan Sociological Society, Tokyo.
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