Explorations in English Linguistics (EEL)のご案内
東北大学英語学研究室では、本研究室が事務局となり英文の研究誌Explorations in English Linguisticsを発行しています。
〒980-8576 仙台市青葉区川内 東北大学文学部 英語学研究室
Tel & Fax: 022-217-5965
EEL No. 37 (2024)
NAKAMURA Taichi and Kenji Sugimoto: “On the Coordination of Unlikes”
SAKAMOTO Mizuki: “Weight Sensitivity and Linearization”
SATO Yosuke and Shin-ichi Kitada: “Transfer Domains in Japanese and Relativized vP Phases”
SUZUKI Maya: “A Labeling-Based Approach to Massive Pied-Piping in English”
EEL No. 36 (2023)
HIRATSUKA Tetsuro: “Derivations of Transparent Free Relatives by Discontinuous Spellout”
SATO Yosuke and Jacky Jie Qi Chua: “A Dual-Structure Analysis of Coordination”
SUZUKI Maya: “Labeling XP-YP Configurations”
YANAGISAWA Kunio: “Labeling and Disjunctive Feature Sharing”
EEL No. 35 (2021)
HIROKAWA Takaaki: “Agreement Features and Non-nominal Subjects”
KITADA Shin-Ichi: “Strategies for Transfer”
TSUTSUMI Hirokazu: “Scrambling and Scope Economy”
YANAGISAWA Kunio: “Subject Extraction and the Two EPP Requirements”
EEL No. 34 (2020)
LEE Chein-Man: “Two Sources for Sluicing in Mandarin Chinese”
NAKASHIMA Takanori: “Deducing Transfer Domain from Minimal Search”
TAMURA Jun: “Complementizers at the Syntax-Phonology Interface”
TOZAWA Takahiro: “The Sideward Pair-MERGE of the Relative Clause and Its Antecedent”
EEL No. 33 (2019)
HIROKAWA Takaaki: “An Analysis of Comparative Correlatives in English”
KIMURA Takayuki: “A Phase-Based Analysis of Reflexive Binding in Japanese-English Interlanguage”
NAKASHIMA Takanori: “On the Domain of Minimal Search for Labeling”
SAITO Shogo: “Phonological Effects of Silent Elements”
TSUTSUMI Hirokazu: “On Reconstruction Assymmetry in Left Branch Extraction”
EEL No. 32 (2018)
KANNO Satoru: “Agreement Phenomena and the C-I Interface”
LEE Chein-Man: “Why do Null Subjects Lack Sloppy Readings in Mandarin Chinese?”
NAKASHIMA Takanori: “Some Syntactic Character of Rhetorical Questions”
TSUTSUMI Hirokazu: “Economy and Pronominal Binding”
SAITO Shogo: “A Phonological Analysis of VP-Ellipsis in Infinitival Clauses”
SATO Ryosuke: “Remarks on Sentence Initial That Clauses”
EEL No. 31 (2017)
ARANO Akihiko: “On Intervention in Move and Agree: A Case of Dependencies across Experiencers”
KITADA Shin-Ichi: “Minimizing Application of Movement: Evidence from Echo Question in English”
LEE Chein-Man: “Null Arguments in Mandarin Chinese”
NAKASHIMA Takanori: “On Strict Cycricity and Label: Toward Elimination of Late Merge”
SAITO Shogo: “The Relation between Late Merge and Phases”
SATO Ryosuke: “Remarks on Clausal Gerunds”
EEL No. 30 (2016)
IGATA Yu: "Reconstruction Asymmetry in Fragment Answers"
KANEKO Yoshiaki: “Remarks on Double Access Phenomena in English Finite Complement Clauses”
SATO Ryosuke: "Identifying the Structure of Deverbal Derived Nominals by VP-Ellipsis and Pseudo-Gapping"
TOZAWA Takahiro: "A Unified Analysis of Reduced Relative Clauses and Comparative Clauses"
LEE Chein-Man: "Null Arguments in Burmese"
EEL No. 29 (2015)
ICHINOWATARI Yuki: "On the Derivation of the Talk Construction in English"
KANNO Satoru: "Tense of Infinitival and Subjunctive Clauses"
NAKAMURA Taichi and Kenji Sugimoto: "Argument Structure Alternations and Verb Phrase Ellipsis: Two Case Studies"
NAKASHIMA Takanori: "On the Chain Interpretation of Negation"
SATO Motoki: "String-Vacuous VP-Ellipsis in Comparative Clauses"
EEL No. 28 (2014)
ASAKA Toshihiko: "Lexical Functional Categories"
KANEKO Yoshiaki: “Remarks on Sequence of Tense in English”
KOJIMA Satsuki: "The Acquisition of Do-Support as a PF Operation"
SHIMA Etsuro: "A Unified Analysis of Left-Dislocation and Gapping in English"
EEL No. 27 (2013)
ARANO Akihiko: "On Spell-Out of 'Intermediate Projections'"
EMOTO Hiroaki: "The Labeling Algorithm and Obligatory Ellipsis"
KITADA Shin-Ichi: "Investigations of Argument Structure within the Minimalist Program"
SATO Motoki: "Verb-Stranding VP-Ellipsis in English"
SUGIMOTO Kenji: "A Constructivist Approach to the Induced Action Alternation"
EEL No. 26 (2012)
ARANO Akihiko: "On Certain Differences between Locative and Quotative Inversion"
MIYOSHI Nobuhiro: "EPP as an Edge Feature: An Investigation of Inheritance"
SATO Motoki: "A Minimalist Analysis of Expletive Constructions and Do-Support"
SUGIMOTO Kenji: "On Agentive Verbs of Manner of Motion in the Theta System"
EEL No. 25 (2011)
ARANO Akihiko: "Uninterpretable Features and the Immobility of Constituents"
ASAKA Toshihiko: "Denominalizing Constructions"
SATO Motoki: "Phases and VP Ellipsis"
TOTSUKA Masashi: "Cartography and Spell-Out Domains"
EEL No. 24 (2010)
EMOTO Hiroaki: "Spell-Out Domains"
KANNO Satoru: "Tense Features of Infinitival Complement Clauses"
KITADA Shin-Ichi: "The Right Roof Constraints in the Minimalist Program"
MIYOSHI Nobuhiro: "On Agreement Restrictions in Ainu"
NAKAMURA Taichi: "Feature Inheritance and Phase-Driven Head Movement"
TOZAWA Takahiro: "The Head Raising Analysis of Comparative Clauses"
EEL No. 23 (2009)
ASAKA Toshihiko: "On the Multiple Semantic Functions of the Pseudo-Partitive"
NAKAMURA Taichi: "Internal Pair Merge: The Fourth Type of Merge"
SUGIMOTO Kenji: "On Adjective Phrases with Infinitival Clauses"
TOZAWA Takahiro: "On Case Assignmentt to the Subject in English Non-Finite Clauses"
EEL No. 22 (2008)
EMOTO Hiroaki: "Phases as the Only Movable Elements"
KANNO Satoru: "Semantic Effects of the Operation Agree"
KITADA Shin-Ichi: "A Minimalist Analysis of Coordinate Structures"
KODA Yusuke: "A Minimalist Approach to Japanese"
NAKAMURA Taichi: "Unpronounced Nominal Head of Determiner-Headed Free Relatives"
TOZAWA Takahiro: "Some Notes on Feature Inheritance"
EEL No. 21 (2007)
DOBASHI Yoshihito: "Phonological Phrase Restructuring and Directionality"
KANNO Satoru: "Two Types of Weak CP Phases"
SUZUKI Toru: "Boundedness and Spurious Resultatives"
TAMURA Shin-Ichi, Masatoshi Koizumi, Takuya Goro, Natsuko Katsura, Yoshiaki Kaneko, Noriaki Yusa, and Hiroko Hagiwara: "Word- Order Preferences for the Ni-Phrase and the O-Phrase in Japanese Children's Production of Ditransitive Sentences"
TOZAWA Takahiro: "Remarks on Free Relative Clauses with Special Reference Wh-ever"
EEL No. 20 (2006)
ASAKA Toshihiko: "A Constructional Approach to Nominal Modification"
SATO Yosuke: "Remarks on the Drivataional vs. Representational Theories of Grammar: A Multiple Spell-Out Account of One- and Do so-Substitution"
TAKAHASHI Mika: "ECM with CP Complements as Raising-to-Edge: Evidence from Japanese and Romanian"
EEL No. 19 (2004)
DOBASHI Yoshihito: "Multiple Spell-Out, Label-Free Syntax, and PF-Interface"
KANEKO Yoshiaki: "A Derivational Approach to Temporal Interpretation in English"
MIYOSHI Nobuhiro:The Simple Present Tense in Japanese and the Phonetically Empty Universal Quantifier
EEL No. 18 (2003)
LUPSA Cornelia Daniela:"Second Delimiters as Subject Oriented Resultative Phrases"
SHIMA Etsuro: "Present and Past Tenses in Future Contexts"
SUZUKI Toru: "Constraining Resultatives: A Significant Transition on a Unique Scale"
TAKAHASHI Mika:"Remarks on ECM Constructions with Infinitival Complements"
TOMIZAWA Naoto: "Obviation of Condition (C) Effects in Recycling Contexts"
EEL No. 17 (2002)
LUPSA Cornelia Daniela:"Unergativity of Verbs of Motion"
MIYOSHI Nobuhiro: "Notes on a 'Global' Parameter: Compounds and Complex Predicates"
SATO Yosuke: "A Dynamic Semantic Account of Causative Psych Verb Constructions"
TAKAHASHI Mika:"Deriving Superiority Effects from the PIC"
TOMIZAWA Naoto: "Toward a Computationally Efficient Syntax: Semantic Interpretation in LA" Notes and Discussion
HATAKEYAMA Yuji:"Some Notes on the i-within-i Condition"
EEL No. 16 (2001)
KANEKO Yoshiaki:"Conditional If-Clauses and the Covert Performative Modal"
SATO Kaori:"What Categories Carry Functional Features in Syntactic Computation?" Notes and Discussion
TAKAHASHI Mika: "Maximal Feature Matching and the MLC"
KATO Miho: "An Investigation of Reflexives and Pronominals in Second Language Acquisition"
EEL No. 15 (2000)
NAKAMURA Masaru:"A Strong Thesis of the Computational Component"
NAKAMURA Yoshio: "The 'Head-Adjunction' Analysis of Preverbal Adverbs"
TAKAHASHI Mika: "On 'Locality' Phenomena: An Alternative Approach to MLC"
TOMIZAWA Naoto:"Earliness in Feature-Checking and Semantic Interpretation"
EEL No. 14 (1999)
KANEKO Yoshiaki:"Toward Eliminating C-command from Linguistic Theory"
MIURA Yasuhiro:"A Unified Analysis of English Focus Constructions"
NISHIYAMA Kunio: "The Morphology-Phonology Distinction and Derivational/Representational View of Grammar:A Case of Phonologically Conditioned Allomorphy"
SATO Kaori:"Uninterpretable Features and Recoverability: the Function of Head Movements"
YAMASHITA Hiroshi: "The Pronunciation of Japanese Words in English Sentences"
EEL No. 13 (1998)
DOBASHI Yoshio: "Features and Syntactic Derivations"
HATAKEYAMA Yuji:"Adjuncts, the Extension Condition, and Anti-Reconstruction Effects"
IWAYA Tomoko: "The Temporal Interpretation of Adjunct Clauses"
NAKAMURA Yoshio:"Three Notes on the Subject Condition Effects"
NAKAZAWA Satomi:"The Psychological Verbs as a Relational Event Functor"
OGAWA Yoshiki:"Dative Shift in Japanese"
SHIMA Etsuro:"Deriving the Case Adjacency Effects"
EEL No. 12 (1997)
DOBASHI Yoshio: "Features and Merge"
MIYOSHI Nobuhiro:"Attract-F and Interpretability"
NAKASAWA Satomi:"The Conceptual Structure of Phychological Verbs"
OGAWA Yoshiki:"Elimination of Lexical Syntax and a Unified Syntactic Analysis of Middle Verbs and Simple Event Nominals"
OKUNO Tadanori:"The Syntax and Semantics of Communication Verbs"
SHIMA Etsuro:"Merge or Move"
EEL No. 11 (1996)
MARUTA Tadao:"Depictives and the Incremental Theme"
MIYOSHI Nobuhiro:"Long-Distance Head Movement and Greed"
NAITO Hisashi:"Object Expletives and the AGR-Based Case Theory"
NAKASAWA Satomi:"The Middle Formation and Intransitivization"
OGAWA Yoshiki:"Word Order, Multiple Specifiers and the LCA"
TOMISAWA Naoto:"On Overt Movement of Null Operator and the Theory of Adjunction"
YAMASHITA hiroshi:"Auxiliary Reduction and Vacuous Movement in English"
EEL No. 10 (1995)
CHIBA Sonoko:"A Note on Small Clause Restructuring"
HATAKEYAMA Yuji:"Equidistance and Its Consequences for Subject-Aux Inversion"
KUMAGAI Takeshi:"Copying, Deletion and Vehicle Change"
NAITO Hisashi:"Case Conversions and Their Dependencies"
SUZUKI Toru:"Notes on Acc-ing in Noun/Preposition Complements from a Minimalist Perspecive"
TAKAHASHI Yukio:"On the Extrinsic Ordering and Duplication of Phonological Rules in Lexical Phonology"
EEL No. 9 (1994)
ASAKA Toshihiro:"SPEC of AGR as a Scope Position"
GOTO Yoshihisa:"Clausal Subjects and the Expletive It"
MARUTA Tadao:"A Lexical Conceptual Approach to the Locative Alternation"
NAKAMURA Masaru:"The Internal Structure of the Second Object in the Double Object Construction"
SHIMA Etsuro:"Optional Movements and the Economy Constraint"
TANCREDI Christopher:"Syntax and Reasoning"
EEL No. 8 (1993)
CHIBA Sonoko:"Reanalysis Reconsidered"
GOTO Yoshihisa:"On As-Relatives"
KAWAHIRA Yoshio:"A Remark on Case-Assignment and θ-Role-Assignment"
NAKAMURA Yoshio:"Substitution Analysis of Preposing Constructions"
OKUNO Tadanori:"Antecedent-Contained Deletions and Logical Form"
TOMISAWA Naoto:"Secondary Locatives and Their Representations at Conceptual Structure"
EEL No. 7 (1992)
ASAKA Toshihiro:"The Feature Realization Principle and the Structure of Noun Phrases"
CHIBA Sonoko:"On Parasitic Gaps in Subject NPs"
NARITA Koh:"Present Perfect Form and the Definite Time Adverbials"
TAKAHASHI Yukio:"Lexical Phonology and the English Lateral Syllabification"
NAKAMURA Yoshio:"A-Movement Analysis of Heavy NP Shift"
EEL No. 6 (1991)
NAKAMURA Yoshio:"Preposition Stranding by NP-Movement and Gapping Phenomena"
TOMISAWA Naoto:"A Study of Antecedent-Contained Deletion in English"
SAITO Mamoru:"From the Symposium of the 60th General Meeting of the English Literary Society of Japan 1988 -- Methodology of Generative Syntax"
KIKUCHI Akira:"The Development of the Bounding Theory"
AKI Takamichi:"The Development of the Binding Theory"
EEL No. 5 (1990)
KANEKO Yoshiaki:"A Note on Future Conditional Clauses in English"
KITAHARA Yoshio:"On the Prepositional Phrases of the Form P-PP"
MARUTA Tadao:"On Ordering Paradoxes"
SATO Chieko:"On the Japanese Double-ga Construction"
TACHI Kiyotaka:"Conjoined Wh-words and the COMP Node"
TAKAHASHI Kiyoshi:"A Comparison of OE and ModE from Li & Thompson's (1976) Typological Point of View"
TAKAHASHI Yukio:"On the Treatment of Schwa Deletion and Flapping in American English"
YUSA Noriaki:"Does QR Exist"
EEL No. 4 (1989)
AMANO Masachiyo:"On OE and ME Subjectless Constructions and their Disappearance"
ONOZUKA Hiromi:"Simple Futurates and Stative Verbs"
SATO Nobuo:"On the Definite Article and the Demonstratives"
UCHIDA Megumi:"On the Derivation of Parenthetical Clauses"
UTSUMI Jun:"On Extrasyllabicity, Syllable Structure, and Vowel Alternation in English"
YAMADA Makoto:"On Extraposed Gerunds"
EEL No. 3 (1988)
AKI Takamichi:"On the Internal Syntax of the Tough-Construction"
NISHINA Hiroyuki:"English Conditionals and Event Structure Model (II)"
SUGIYAMA Toru:"There Construction from the Viewpoint of Discourse Grammar"
TAKAHASHI Kazuo:"Two Semantic Conditions for Quantifier Negation"
EEL No. 2 (1987)
AMANO Masachiyo:"On The Movement of The Indirect and Direct Object in Present-Day and Old English"
ISOZAKI Kuniteru:"On The Relative-like Particle 'than"
KIKUCHI Akira:"Control and Phrase Structure"
NISHINA Hiroyuki:"English Conditionals and event Structure Model (I)"
OISHI Ysuyoshi:"On Blocking in Word Formation"
OTUBO Yoshiko:"Re-interpreting Locutionary act, Illocutionary act and Perlocutionary act From the Viewpoint of Discourse Analysis"
EEL No. 1 (1986)
GOTO Masahiro:"A Note on Word-Final /t/, /d/ Elision in Natural Speech"
ITAGAKI Kanichi:"On the Cataphoric Definite Noun Phrases"
KANEKO Yoshiaki:"A Study on the Interpretive System of Tense in English"
KAWAHIRA Yoshio:"The X1-Complement Successive Accumulation Condition for Wh-Movement Transformation"
MARUTA Tadao:"On Periphrastic Existential Sentences: An Analysis Based on the Predication Type"
OGIHARA Hiroshi:"On the Interpretation Rule and Principle Operating in the Restrictive Relative Clause Constructions in English"
OISHI Tsuyoshi:"On V-ability"
TAKAHASHI Kiyoshi:"On the Specificity of Indefinite Noun Phrases in Opaque Contexts and their Coreference Options: A Review of Jackendoff's (1972) and Decarrico's (1980) Analyses"