Suzuki, Maya (2024) “VP-Adverb-Stranding VP-Ellipsis,” English Linguistics 40.
Suzuki, Maya (2024) “A Labeling-Based Approach to Massive Pied-Piping in English,” Explorations in English Linguistics 37.
Sakamoto, Mizuki (2024) “Weight Sensitivity and Linearization,” Explorations in English Linguistics 37.
Sakamoto, Mizuki (2024) “Linearization of Postposed Subjects and Heaviness Constraint,” JELS 41,日本英語学会.
Hiratsuka, Tetsuro (2024) “Andrews Amalgam as a Relative Clause,” JELS 41,日本英語学会.
Shimizuno, Takahiro (2024) “A Semantic Analysis of teiru Form in Japanese,” JELS 41,日本英語学会.
Suzuki, Maya (2024) “Labeling and Selection: A Case Study of Wh-Associated Exactly,” JELS 41,日本英語学会.
Hiratsuka, Tetsuro (2024) “A Double Movement Analysis of Transparent Free Relatives,” Tohoku Review of English Literature 14.
Hiratsuka, Tetsuro (2023) “Derivations of Transparent Free Relatives by Discontinuous Spellout,” Explorations in English Linguistics 36.
Suzuki, Maya (2023) “Labeling XP-YP configurations,” Explorations in English Linguistics 36.
Yanagisawa, Kunio (2023) “Labeling and Disjunctive Feature Sharing,” Explorations in English Linguistics 36.
Hirokawa, Takaaki (2023)「名詞が主語位置に生起しないのラベル付けについて」Proceedings of the 76th Conference of the Tohoku English Literary Society.
Tsutsumi, Hirokazu (2023)「ラベル付けアルゴリズムと非顕在的移動に基づく名詞句の第三の解釈の導出」Proceedings of the 76th Conference of the Tohoku English Literary Society.
Hiratsuka, Tetsuro (2023)「Form Copyと下位コピーの発音による透明的自由関係節の派生」Proceedings of the 76th Conference of the Tohoku English Literary Society.
Chikamori, Airi (2023)「語彙アスペクトからみる「とき」節の解釈」Proceedings of the 76th Conference of the Tohoku English Literary Society.
Yanagisawa, Kunio (2022) 「that痕跡効果に課される2つのEPPの要件」 Proceedings of the 94th General Meeting of the English Literary Society of Japan.
Suzuki, Maya (2022) 「副詞残置動詞句内省略の分析:VP省略・疑似空所化と比較して」 Proceedings of the 94th General Meeting of the English Literary Society of Japan.
Suzuki, Maya (2022) “On Adverb-Stranding VP Ellipsis,” 文化, 第85 巻 第3・4号.
Sakamoto, Mizuki (2022)「非完全関係に基づく重名詞句移動の線形化Proceedings of the 76th Conference of the Tohoku English Literary Society.
Suzuki, Maya (2021)「形容詞残置名詞省略に対するカートグラフィー分析」Proceedings of the 75th Conference of the Tohoku English Literary Society.
Hiratsuka, Tetsuro (2021)「決定詞付きの自由関係節の派生について」Proceedings of the 75th Conference of the Tohoku English Literary Society.
Yanagisawa, Kunio (2021)「ラベル付けアルゴリズムに基づく副詞効果の考察」Proceedings of the 75th Conference of the Tohoku English Literary Society.
Hirokawa, Takaaki (2020) “Quotative Inversions and Control Predicates,””Studies in English Literature, English Number 60, 日本英文学会.
Hirokawa, Takaaki (2020)「比較相関構文の混成分析」Proceedings of the 92nd General Meeting of the English Literary Society of Japan.
Saito, Shogo (2019) “A Phonological Analysis of VP-Ellipsis,“ JELS 36,日本英語学会.
Saito, Shogo (2019) “Late Merge and Phase,” Studies in English Literature, English Number 60, 日本英文学会.
齋藤章吾 (2018)「Late Mergeの制限」Proceedings of the 72th Conference of the Tohoku English Literary Society.
齋藤章吾 (2018)「フェーズ理論に基づく反循環的併合の適用領域」Proceedings of the 90th General Meeting of the English Literary Society of Japan.
佐藤亮輔(2017)「ラベル決定アルゴリズムによる節動名詞の分析 (An Analysis of Clausal Gerunds with the Labeling Algorithm)」JELS 35, 138-144.
佐藤亮輔(2017)「動詞派生名詞句の構造に関して」Proceedings of the 89th General Meeting of the English Literary Society of Japan, 27-28.
佐藤亮輔(2016)「派生名詞句の内部構造について」 Proceedings of the 71th Conference of the Tohoku English Literary Society.
中島崇法(2016)「否定繰り上げとMoodP」 Proceedings of the 88th Conference of the English Literary Society.
中島崇法(2016)「再構築による否定解釈」 英文学研究 支部統合号 第8巻.
Ichinowatari, Yuki (2015) "Empty To and the Double Object Construction in English," Studies in English Literature English Number 56, 日本英文学会.
Nakashima, Takanori (2015) "On the Chain Interpretation of Negation" Explorations in English Linguistics 29.
Nakashima, Takanori (2015) 「否定数量詞の空演算子移動分析」 Proceedings of the 70th Conference of the Tohoku English Literary Society.
Sato, Motoki (2015) "Ellipsis in Copular Clauses," Studies in English Literature English Number 56, 日本英文学会.
Sato, Ryosuke (2015) 「派生名詞句とその項」 英語と文学、教育の視座.
Arano, Akihiko (2014) "Spell-Out of Intermediate Projections," JELS 31, 日本英語学会.
Arano, Akihiko (2014) "Two Types of Main Verb Inversion," English Linguistics 31.
Kojima, Satsuki (2014) "The Acquisition of Do-Support as a PF Operation," Explorations in English Linguistics 28.
Totsuka, Masashi (2014) "Syntactic Distinctness and Phase Head," JELS 31, 日本英語学会.
Arano, Akihiko (2013) "On Spell-Out of 'Intermediate Projections'," Explorations in English Linguistics 27.
Arano, Akihiko (2013) "Two Types of Main Verb Inversion in English," JELS 30, 日本英語学会.
Arano, Akihiko (2013) "Uninterpretable Features and the Immobility of Constituents," English Linguistics 30.
Kitada, Shin-Ichi (2013) "Feature Inheritance and Four Types of Argument Structure," JELS 30, 日本英語学会.
Sato, Motoki (2013) "A Unified Analysis of Expletives and Do-Support," JELS 30, 日本英語学会.
Sato, Motoki (2013) "Verb-Stranding VP-Ellipsis in English," Explorations in English Linguistics 27.
Sugimoto, Kenji (2013) "A Contructivist Approach to the Induced Action Alternation," Explorations in English Linguistics 27.
Totsuka, Masashi (2013) "On Phase Head in Split CP Hypothesis," English Linguistics 30.
Arano, Akihiko (2012) "On Certain Differences between Locative and Quotative Inversion," Explorations in English Linguistics 26.
Arano, Akihiko (2012)"Uninterpretable Features and the Immobility of Constituents," JELS 29, 日本英語学会.
Kitada, Shin-Ichi (2012) "A Theory of Linearization and Its Implication for Boundedness of Movement," English Linguistics 29.
Kitada, Shin-Ichi (2012) "Linearization and Boundedness of Movement," JELS 29, 日本英語学会.
Sato, Motoki (2012) "A Minimalist Analysis of Expletive Constructions and Do-Support," Explorations in English Linguistics 26.
Sato, Motoki (2012) "Two Types of VP Ellipsis," JELS 29, 日本英語学会.
Sugimoto, Kenji (2012) "Co-occurence Restrictions on Arguments in the Theta System," English Linguistics 29.
Sugimoto, Kenji (2012) "On Agentive Verbs of Manner of Motion in the Theta System," Explorations in English Linguistics 26.
Sugimoto, Kenji (2012) "Rude Type and Eager Type Adjectives from the Perspective of the Theta System," 英文学研究 支部統合号 第四巻.
Arano, Akihiko (2011) "Uninterpretable Features and the Immobility of Constituents," Explorations in English Linguistics 25.
Emoto, Hiroaki (2011) "Multiple Spell-Out and Extraction from Merged Elements," JELS 28, 日本英語学会.
Kitada, Shin-Ichi (2011) "C-to-T Inheritance of Edge Features," Studies in English Literature 52.
Kitada, Shin-Ichi (2011) "Passive as a Consequence of Feature Inheritance," 言語科学研究 談話のカートグラフィー研究:主文現象と複文現象の統合を目指して (2).
Nakamura, Taichi (2011) "Feature Inheritance and Head Movement," JELS 28, 日本英語学会.
Nakamura, Taichi (2011) "Phase Theory and Head Movement," 言語科学研究 談話のカートグラフィー研究:主文現象と複文現象の統合を目指して (2).
Sato, Motoki (2011) "Phases and VP Ellipsis," Explorations in English Linguistics 25.
Totsuka, Masashi (2011) "Cartography and Spell-Out Domains," Explorations in English Linguistics 25.
Emoto, Hiroaki (2010) “Spell-Out Domains,” Explorations in English Linguistics 24.
Kitada, Shin-ichi (2010) “An Edge Feature as a Trigger of Head Movement,” FLC Working Papers in Linguistics 10.
Kitada, Shin-ichi (2010) “Feature Inheritance and A/A' Properties of Non-DP Subjects” JELS 27, 日本英語学会.
Kitada, Shin-ichi (2010) “Feature Inheritance and Heavy NP Shift,” 文化, 第73 巻 第3・4号.
Kitada, Shin-ichi (2010) “The Right Roof Constraint in the Minimalist Program,” Explorations in English Linguistics 24.
Nakamura, Taich (2010) “Feature Inheritance and Phase-Driven Head Movement,” Explorations in English Linguistics 24.
Nakamura, Taichi (2010) “Object Honorification and Intervention Effects,” JELS 27, 日本英語学会.
Sugimoto, Kenji (2010) “On the Argument Structure of Rude Type and Eager Type of Adjective,” 文化, 第73 巻 第3・4号.
Kanno, Satoru (2009) “Teaching Comparative and Non-Finite Constructions in English: A Generative Perspective,” FLC Working Papers in Linguistics 9.
Kanno, Satoru (2009) “The Emphasis on Displacement in the Practical of English: Focusing on Infinitival and Comparative Constructions,” FLC Working Papers in Linguistics 9.
Kanno, Satoru (2009)「学習英文法と『移動』の概念」 Proceedings of the 63rd Conference of the Tohoku English Literary Society.
Kitada, Shin-ichi (2009)“On the Relation between Projections and Adjunction Sites,” FLC Working Papers in Linguistics 9.
Nakamura, Taichi. (2009) “Determiner-Headed Free Relatives as Covertly Headed Relatives,” JELS 26: Papers from the 26th National Conference of the English Linguistic Society of Japan.
Nakamura, Taichi. (2009) “Headed Relatives, Free Relatives, and Determiner-Headed Free Relatives,” English Linguistics 26.
Sasaki, Takuya (2009) “A Sideward Movement to Tough Constructions,” Proceedings of the 63rd Conference of the Tohoku English Literary Society.
Sugimoto, Kenji. (2009) “On Adjective Phrases with Infinitival Clauses,” Explorations in English Linguistics 23.
Sugimoto, Kenji (2009) “The aP Shell Approach to the Class W Adjective,” Proceedings of the 63rd Conference of the Tohoku English Literary Society.
Tozawa, Takahiro (2009) “On Case-Assignment to the Subject in English Non-Finite Clauses,” Explorations in English Linguistics 23.
Emoto, Hiroaki (2008) "Phases as the Only Movable Elements," Explorations in English Linguistics 22.
Kanno, Satoru (2008) "On the Phasehood and Non-Phasehood of CP," English Linguistics 25.
Kanno, Satoru (2008) "Semantics Effects of the Operation Agree," Explorations in English Linguistics 22.
Kanno, Satoru (2008) "Semantics Effects of Uninterpretable Features on Phases," 文化 71巻 第1・2号
Katsura, N, M. Koizumi, T. Goro, S.-I. Tamura, N. Yusa, and H. Hagiwara (2008) "Effects of Early Non-Native Language Exposure: Metalinguistic Awareness in Young Japanese Children," In IEICE Technical Report, TL 2008.
Kitada, Shin-Ichi (2008) "A Minimalist Analysis of Coordinate Structures," Explorations in English Linguistics 22.
Kitada, Shin-Ichi (2008) "On the Extraction out of Conjuncts," Proceedings of the 62nd Conference.
Koda, Yusuke (2008) "A Minimalist Approach to Japanese," Explorations in English Linguistics: 109-140 Explorations in English Linguistics 22.
Nakamura, Taichi (2008) "Unpronounced Nominal Head of Determiner-Headed Free Relatives," Explorations in English Linguistics 22.
Tamura, S.-I., M. Koizumi, T. Goro, N. Katsura, Y. Kanekom, N. Yusa, and H. Hagiwara (2008) "Children's Word-Order Preferences in Japanese Ditransitive Constructions," In IEICE Technical Report, TL 2008.
Tozawa, Takahiro (2008) "Some Notes on Feature Inheritance," Explorations in English Linguistics 22.
Emoto, Hiroaki (2007) "The Theory of Ellipsis in a Single-Cycle System," English Linguistics 24.
Emoto, Hiroaki (2007) "Ellipsis in a Single Cycle Theory," JELS 24, 日本英語学会
Kanno, Satoru (2007) "Two Types of Weak CP Phases," Explorations in English Linguistics 21.
Kanno, Satoru (2007) "The Strength of Phrases and a Typology of Clauses," JELS 24, 日本英語学会
Tamura, Shin-Ichi, Masatoshi Koizumi, Takuya Goro, Natsuko Katsura, Yoshiaki Kaneko, Noriaki Yusa, and Hiroko Hasegawa (2007) "Word-Order Preferences for the Ni-phrase and the O-phrase in Japanese Children's Production of Ditransitive Sentences," Explorations in English Linguistics 21: 91-108. Explorations in English Linguistics 21.
Tozawa, Takahiro (2007) "On Free Relative Clauses," JELS 24, 日本英語学会
Tozawa, Takahiro (2007) "Remarks on ee Relative Clauses with Special Reference to Wh-ever," Explorations in English Linguistics 21.
Asaka, Toshihiro (2006) "A Constructional Approach to Nominal Modification," Explorations in English Linguistics 20.
Emoto, Hiroaki (2006) "C as a Licenser of vP-Ellipsis."
Emoto, Hiroaki (2006) "Presentational There is in a Topic Phrase."
Kanno, Satoru (2006) "Properties of C as Weak Phase."
Sato, Yosuke (2006) "Remarks on the Drivataional vs. Representational Theories of Grammar: A Multiple Spell-Out Account of One- and Do so-Substitution," Explorations in English Linguistics 20.
Suzuki, Toru (2006) "Between Conventionality: The Resultative Construction Deconstructed?" English Linguistics 23.
Takahashi, Mika (2006) "ECM with CP Complements as Raising-to-Edge: Evidence from Japanese and Romanian," Explorations in English Linguistics 20.
Nakano, Kazuyuki (2005) "Infinitival To as a Modal Auxiliary," JELS 22, 日本英語学会.
Tozawa, Takahiro (2005) 「小節補部」 JELS 22 日本英語学会.
Dobashi, Yoshihito (2005) "Multiple Spell-Out, Label-Free Syntax, and PF-Interface," Explorations in English Linguistics 19.
Kaneko, Yoshiaki (2005) "A Derivational Approach to Temporal Interpretation in English," Explorations in English Linguistics 19.
Miyoshi, Nobuhiro (2005) "Imperatives, Clitics, and PF-Merger," Explorations in English Linguistics 19.
Nakano, Kazuyuki (2004) 「英語知覚動詞の受動化について」 Proceedings of the 58th Conference The Tohoku English Literary Society.
Ogawa, Yoshiki (2005) "The Simple Present Tense in Japanese and the Phonetically Empty Universal Quantifier," Explorations in English Linguistics 19.
Tozawa, Takahiro (2004) ""The Small Clause Complement of Consider," Proceedings of the 58th Conference The Tohoku English Literary Society.
Lupsa, Cornelia Daniela (2003) "Second Delimiters as Subject Oriented Resultative Phrases" Explorations in English Linguistics 18.
Lupsa, Cornelia Daniela (2003) "The Unergativity of Verbs of Motion."
Sato, Yosuke (2003) "Causative Psych Verbs as World-Creating Perceptive Predicates; A Hyperclause Analysis of Backward Binding," in The Handbook of the 127th National Conference of the Linguistic Soceity of Japan.
Sato, Yosuke (2003) "Idiom Compositions and Lexical Decompositions," JELS 20, 日本英語学会.
Sato, Yosuke (2003) "Semantic Regularity in the Alternation in Idioms," English Linguistics 20.
Shimamura, Izumi (2003) "Definiteness and the Positions of NPs."
Suzuki, Toru (2003) "Constraining Resultatives: A Significant Transition on a Unique Scale" Explorations in English Linguistics 18.
Tozawa, Takahiro (2003) "Predicates of Inverse Copula Sentences."
Lupsa, Corneila Daniela (2002) "The Unergativity of Verbs of Motion," Explorations in English Linguistics 17.
Sato, Yosuke (2002) "A Dynamic Account of Causative Psych Verbs," Explorations in English Linguistics 17.
Takahashi, Mika (2002) "Deriving Superiority Effects from the PIC," Explorations in English Linguistics 17.
Tomizawa, Naoto (2002) "A Derivational Approach to Interpretation of 'Wh'-Constructions," English Linguistics 19.
Tomizawa, Naoto (2002) "Toward a computationally efficient syntax: Semantic interpretation in LA," Explorations in English Linguistics 17.
Kato, Miho (2001) "An Investigation of Reflexives and Pronominals in Second Language Acquistion," Explorations in English Linguistics 16.
Takahashi, Mika (2001) "Maximal Feature Matching and the MLC," Explorations in English Linguistics 16.
Takahashi, Mika (2001) "On 'Minimal Link Condition Effects'," English Linguistics 18.
Takahashi, Mika (2000) "Earliness and Maximal Feature Matching," JELS 18, 日本英語学会.
Takahashi, Mika (2000) "On 'Locality Phenomena': An Alternative Approach to MLC," Explorations in English Linguistics 15.
Tomizawa, Naoto (2000) "Earliness in Feature-Checking and Semantic Interpretation," Explorations in English Linguistics 15.
Tomizawa, Naoto (2000) "Feature-Checking, Saturation, and Conditions on Movement," Bulletin of Yamagata University (Humanities) 14