2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 |
Boskovic, Zeljko (to appear) “ On Movement out of Moved Elements, Labels, and Phases,” Linguistics Inquiry 49.
Reporter: NAKASHIMA Takanori
Discussant: HIROKAWA Takaaki
Boskovic, Zeljko (2017) “ On the Coordinate Structure Constraint and the Adjunct Condition,” ms., University of Connecticut.
Reporter: SATO Daisuke
Discussant: SAITO Shogo
Takahashi, Masahiko (2018) “ On the Optionality of Raising in the Japanese ECM Construction,”Nanzan Linguistics 13, 59-80.
Reporter: TSUTSUMI Hirokazu
Discussant: SAITO Tomoko
Sato, Yosuke and Dobashi, Yoshihito (2016) “Prosodic Phrasing and the That-Trace Effect,” Linguistics Inquiry 47, 333-349.
Reporter: SAITO Shogo
Discussant: TAMURA Jun
Arano, Akihiko (2014) “Two Types of Main Verb Inversion,” English Linguistcs 31, 22-44.
Reporter: HIROKAWA Takaaki
Discussant: SATO Daisuke
Roger, Martin and Uriagereka, Juan (2014) “Chains in Minimalism,” Minimalism and Beyond: Radicalizing the Interface 164-169.
Reporter: TSUTSUMI Hirokazu
Abe Jun (2017) “Do Binding and Scope Reconstructions?,” ms.
Reporter: NAKASHIMA Takanori
An, Duk-Ho (2007) “Clauses in Noncanonical Positions at the Syntax-Phonology Interface,” Syntax 10, 38-79.
Reporter: TAMURA Jun
Discussant: HIROKAWA Takaaki
Sato, Yosuke (2018) “Comparative Syntax of Argument Ellipsis in Languages without Agreement,” ms.
Reporter: LEE, Chein-Man
Aelbrecht and Harwood (2015) “To Be or Not to Be Elided: VP Ellipsis Revisited,” Lingua 66-97.
Reporter: SAITO Shogo
Discussant: TAMURA Jun
Gary, Thomas and Walkden, George (2018) “VP-Fronting with and without Remnant Movement,” Journal of Linguistcs 1-54.
Reporter: HIROKAWA Takaaki
Kobuchi-Philip, Mana (2009) “Japanese Mo: Universal, Additive, and NPI,” Journal of Cognitive Scinece 10 173-194.
Reporter: TSUTSUMI Hirokazu
Ott, Dennis (2016) “Ellipsis in Appositives,” Glossa 34 1-46.
Reporter: SAITO Shogo
Ott, Dennis (2018) “VP-Fronting: Movement vs. Dislocation,” The Linguistc Review 35 243-282.
Reporter: HIROKAWA Takaaki
Discussant: SATO Daisuke
Boskovic, Zeljko and Lasnik, Howard (2003) “On the Distribution of Null Complementizers,” Linguistic Inquiry 527-546.
Reporter: TAMURA Jun
Discussant: TSUTSUMI Hirokazu
Cardinaletti, Anna and Giuliana Giusti (2017) ”Quantified Expressions and Quantitative Clitics, The Willey Blackwell Companion to Syntax Second Edition, ed by M. Everaert and H. C. Van Riemsdijk , 3408-3469, Wiley Blackwell, NJ.
Reporter: SATO Tomoya
Discussant: NAKASHIMA Takanori
Rapoport, Tova R. (1999) ”The English Middle and Agentivity,Linguitic Inquiry 147-155.
Reporter: SATO Kazuya
Discussant: TAMURA Jun
Sichel, Ivy (2010) ”Event-Structure Constrains on Nominalization, ,” The Syntax of Nominalizations across Languages and Frameworks, ed. by Artemis Alexiadou and Monika Rathert, 151-199, Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin.
Reporter: KIMURA Mariko
Discussant: HIROKAWA Takaaki
Collins, Chris (2015) ”Relative Clause Deletion,MIT Working Papers in Linguistics 77,
Reporter: SEKINE Kenshiro
Discussant: SAITO Shogo
Shimokariya, Sho (2017) ”On the Nature of English Gerunds, English Linguisitics 33
Reporter: AIGASE Yuta
Discussant: NAKASHIMA Takanori
Stroik, Thomas (2006) ”Arguments in Middles, Demoting the Agent: Passive, Middle and Other Voice Phenomena, ed. by Benjamin Lyngfelt and Torgrim Solstad, 301-326, John Benjamins, Amsterdam.
Reporter: HIROSHIMA haruka
Discussant: SATO Daisuke
Hicks, Glyn (2017) ”Tough-Movement, The Willey Blackwell Companion to Syntax Second Edition, ed by M. Everaert and H. C. Van Riemsdijk, 4534-3469, Wiley Blackwell, NJ.
Reporter: TERADA Atsushi
Discussant: TSUTSUMI Hirokazu
Adams, Perng Wang, and Satoshi Tomioka (2012) ”Sluicing in Mandarin Chinese: An instance of pseudo-sluicing, Sluicing: Cross-Linguistic Perspectives, ed. by Jason Merchant and Andrew Simpson, 219-247, OUP, Oxford.
Reporter: LEE, Chein-Man
Discussant: HIROKAWA Takaaki
Fujita, Gen (2018) ”Negative Indeterminates and Phonological Phrasing: the Remaining Issues, Phonological Externalization 3, ed. by Tokizaki Hisao 55-72, Sapporo University.
Reporter: TAMURA Jun
Discussant: SAITO Shogo
Neelman, Ad and Hans van de Koot (2012) ”Towards a Unified Encoding Contrast and Scope, The Syntax of Topic, Focus, and Contrast: An Interface-Based Approach, ed. By Ad Neelman and Reiko Vermeulen, 39-76, Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, Boston.
Reporter: TSUTSUMI Hirokazu
Cable, S. (2004) ”Restructuring in English; Ms., MIT, Cambridge,
Reporter: HIROKAWA Takaaki
Discussant: SAITO Shogo
Biskup, Peter (2017) ”Labeling and Other Syntactic Operations, Labels and Roots, ed. By Leah Bauke and Andreas Blumel, 91-116, de Gruyter Mouton, Berlin.
Reporter: NAKASHIMA Takanori
Bobaljik, Jonathan David, and Susi Wurmbrand (2012) ”Word Order and Scope: Transparent Interfaces and the 3/4 Signature, Linguistic Inquiry, 371-421.
Reporter: SAITO Shogo
Discussant: HIROKAWA Takaaki